hp next generation RP

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *LilySnape (01), Nov 20, 2011.

  1. Ari: *Kisses deeply* Shutup
  2. Lauryn: *Kisses back, shutting up*
  3. Jess: -Looks puzzled- Okay..
  4. Kris: Aaaaaand off we go! *Grabs Jess and leaps from a window, my wings unfurling and spreading*
  5. Jess: -Grins as the air rushes by, blowing her hair all over the place- You could have at least warned me before take off -Laughs-
  6. Kris: Oh? What would be the fun in that? *Laughs*
  7. -Curls up in a ball at the top of a tree-
  8. Jess: Sooo...What are we doing? Or do you just enjoy kidnapping students? -Laughs again-
  9. Kris: Well, I generally don't kidnap students, but I was expecting more enthusiasm for your next Transfiguration lesson, you know? *Flies over the forest*
  10. Jess: Well I would, but you took me from my lunch -Smirks, her face brightening up slightly at the prospect of someday being able to turn into a unicorn (XD) though-
  11. Kris: From what I saw, you were finished eating. *Laughs*
  12. Jess: You still made me leave my yellow fork behind -Glares jokingly-
  13. Kris: Oh, poor little fork, all alone. *Laughs and starts descending, close to the clearing*
  14. -Transfigures into raven (sam's patronus) and sits on the window of Ari and Lauryn's room, looking out over the forest-
  15. Jess: Exactly -Laughs, Looking down at the view-
  16. Kris: *Lands and lets her off*
  17. Kris: Right, so for this lesson, I'm going to help you get started on your form. What do you feel fits you best? What animal do you honestly think is closest to you? Not the creature you most wish to become, but the one you are inside...
  18. -Looks in and sees them both happy and sighs- Oh...
  19. Jess: Hmm...Give me a minute...