the uPoke :3

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by *BlazingQueenofHell (01), Dec 30, 2012.

  1. Presenting, the new and never improved cause-it-never-existed-before, uPoke!

    This fantastic device is a remote mounted to a hand shaped device, with the index finger pointed strait forward. With the touch of a button, the hand will extend up to 18 feet, and allow you to poke from longer distances. Imagine the looks on everyone's faces when they get poked and no one is around!

    This great machine is sold at a price of only $10 00 CAN


    And if you order now, we'll throw in an uPunch, absolutely free!

    Fun-and-Games Grapple technology is not responsible for injury or loss. Purchase of this object is completely up to the buyer and risks must be know. Useless thread trollers beware, as this thread is completely useless
  2. If you use the uPoke with great strength it would be consider as a uStab
  3. Sorry, the uStab is a completely different tool that is not on open market right now 
  4. Can i pre-order? 
  5. Of course :3 just sign some legal wavers and assume no contact with us for up to 14 months
  6. But come on peopl, think of this great offer!
  7. How much for one?
  8. I think I'll wait for the uSlap.
  9. That one is currently in production
  10. Is there anything to help me fap?
  11. Well, that was an idea... One executive did say the uPorn, but that idea was dismissed
  12. Never mind  that should not be mentioned in front of potential customers
  13. I'll still buy one
  14. Sorry :3 if you want one, we'll construct a secret black market for different items
  15. Well what's the fap item called?
  16. Can't tell you 0.0 it blocked it out
  17. But look forward to more great ideas from Grapple Co
  18. What about uRock? So you can get a pic of you and insert it in the rock, so when you play RPS, you can use the rock? 