hp next generation RP

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *LilySnape (01), Nov 20, 2011.

  1. Lily is inactive though. Right?
  2. (I spoke to her on twitter)
  3. (Cool! )

    (Why hello Jackie )
  4. Hey there Sam
  5. Ursula: Hm?
    John: *smiles*
    Vriska: *snaps her fingers* Open them.
  6. Gamzee 
  7. It's me MrBigls of course. Jack if you know that better 
  8. Can you do the spell now?
  9. Sora: alright- *opens his eyes*
    Rammy: *dreams of kitties*
    (Lol cats)
  10. Lauryn: *Leads Ari to the room they used to share back when they were both students*
  11. Jess: -Doodles on scrap paper-
    (I'll make a new character when my new phone arrives- I'll be able to use pics then)
  12. Lauryn: I remember this place... I have good memories here... *Smiles at Ari*
  13. Ari: *Blushes, and smiles* Lot of good memories...
  14. Lauryn: *Leans against Ari* Mhmm... I thought about the good times we had together, while I was away...
  15. Ari: R-really? *Wraps my arms around Lauryn*
  16. Lauryn: *Gently kisses* Yes... I missed you more than anything...
  17. Ari: *Kisses back* I missed you as well..