HOW would life be without music

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by *ANGELl0V3sYooh (01), Dec 27, 2012.

  1. Well to me i would be dead lol
    Music is my life
    i like to hear it everyday
    without music everything will just be quiet
    wat ur life would be without music?
  2. I would have no catchy tone to my life 
  3. No music ???  I would die without music 
  4. Boring pshh you would just basically die  think about talking with a monotone voice creepy 
  5. Muzik is awesome.

    No muzik=not awesome.

  6. Without music my world would just collapse within its self and i believe there would be more people falling asleep behind the bc of boredom i know i would
  7. Educated...