I helped ppl upgrade for nothing, ive helped hundreds upgrade. Wheres my thread? Do i need to pay someone to do it
It's really sad how a person's character can be judged and be held accountable for their actions when they are being provoked and sometimes trying to be intimidated by other players. I had a situation, which involved a player, by the name MULTISTRIKER300. He hired my tut I kindly asked him not to, yet he continued. After I asked him, multiple times about 16 in total, and members from my club asked also, he still continued to hire my tuts. He never responded to me, but he did respond to my club mate saying," If she continues to whine I will continue to hire her tuts". I became angry and made a vulgar post on his wall! He erased all of my post and my fellow club mates' post, asking him to stop, except for that one post, and reported me to a friend of his, which is a mod, and I was silenced. Yes, I fully understand the terms and the rules of conduct but, what are the rules when you are being provoked. He is much stronger than I. I also know the game and that buying tuts is apart of the game yet respect is also a part of the game. I could not battle him and by him continuing to hire, I felt that he was trying to intimidate me and provoke me to anger. I am also being told I am no the only one having this problem with MULTISTRIKER300. And I believe it's unfair that we have to suffer when he's the one causing the problems. I love playing PIMD but if this continues, I believe I will delete my account. I work hard to get where I am in the game, to have some one be allowed to fool around with my accomplishments! Thanks for reading and MAG I believe you are a good guy! I applaud all of your PIMD accomplishments!
Lol its a free market, if u dont want people to hire ur tuts then email devs to remove hire button, its part of the game.
To those who STILL dont get it...HIRE a button part of d game. BATTLE part of d game. RESET also part of d game (oh please do). RESPECT sorry, cant find d button. Earn it. Not by being illogical for sure
Re: M4GF1CNT it all boils down to the fact that everyone helps ppl in their own way but only the bootlickers come out and post about this type of help bcuz the person is a VIP. it's ridiculous.
FYI "Battle" button is replaced cuz devs came to know some stupid ppl actually took it too serious like terror .
When asked about the "People" button and why it was renamed the devs answer was: "It takes you to the same place (as the battle button did)." Renaming it had nothing to do with not wanting people to battle others and certainly nothing to do with clubs like Terror. If they didn't want people to use it as a means to battle other players, they would have removed the green battle button from the list of players as well and replaced it with a button such as "Gift" or "Follow".