Sparta (Rp)

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Syoka, Dec 1, 2012.

  1. Kaitlyn: now where are we going? Still the same as my last post.
  2. Renna: *sighs and looks at the sky* Is anyone going to come?
  3. Max:Where ever you want to go
  4. Kaitlyn:smiles. I'm just a passenger. Lead on captain.
  5. ( I can't really come I'm a servant sorry)
  6. Colin: -sees kaitlyn and max and runs over to them-
  7. Kaitlyn; laughing with max.
  8. Max:Well I don't know where to go
  9. Kailtlyn: how bout there. Points to the dinner party sign.
  10. Max:Ok-walks to the sign-
  11. Kailtlyn: reads it. Sounds fun.
  12. Max:Yeah but where is it?
  13. (Let's just say that I wrote the location which is bright in front of you and it's gigantic, ;P)
  14. Max:-stops-Hey Kaitlyn
  15. Kaitlyn: yes?
  16. Max:I'll be leaving in a few days
  17. Kaitlyn: sighs. Oh.
  18. Max:If I could I would stay but my job demands me to go-looks down-
  19. Kaitlyn: but you'll come back. I know you will.
  20. Max:Well I'll try anyways