Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by IlIIllIlIlIlZEUSSlIlIlIllllIlI, Dec 24, 2012.

  1. Oh 

    i didnt know ones sweetness can change
    coz of a change of name ......

    You assuming rubba duck! 
  2. You've a lot to learn, madam
  3.  whatever you say slave.. TOMATO IS A FRUIT PEOPLE!!!  HOLD YOURSELF TOGETHER 
  4. Would it be in bad taste to do a Roots joke?
  5. Do eeeeet

    Oh and I hate grapes with the big seeds in them. Otherwise, I love all fruit 
  6. Banana and green grapes.
  7. How can you hate apples 


  8. I don't hate them-They just taste wierd and take me at least half an hour to eat, which is annoying. D: XD
  9. Watermelon!!!

    Hehe I like watermelon
  10. Grapefruit
  11. Apples .__.
  12. Kiwiits green n hairy like a boogie monster
  13. Are you on speeds? 
  14. Give it a Brazilian wax Priya 
  15. Neva thought of that
  16. I remember when fruit was just invented. Oh, sweet sweet fruit... I've always hated it!
