if countries were students

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by ufjd, Dec 25, 2012.

  1. Australia: The class clown who makes everyone laugh

    America: The jock who loves themselves and everone secretly hates

    Canada:The nice person who offer to show you around on your first daay

    England: The hot boy everyone wants to bang

    New Zealand: Australia's little brother wwho is the only one who thinks Australia sucks.

    if your's isnt up there feel free o add it :)
  2. China: The nerd that america cheats off of
  3. Austrailia is a continient. Not a country
  4. Thats "australia" know the difference

    How you feel right now?
  5. i put australia the first time and you tried to correct me so i think you're the one that need to know the difference.

    how do you feel?
  6. Austrailia is a word you made up not a continent

    While australia is both a continent and a country
  7. he can't lie he is in club fact
  8. Australia is also the worlds biggest island.
  9. Yeah that's the point to focus on... 
  10. Lol Australia is also a giant desert with over grown rats and everything can kill ya
  11. Philippines: Small Person with Nice Personality But Angry at China
  12. Aussie Aussie Aussie 
  13. Singapore: The smallest kid in class, yet can fight the bullies surprisingly well
  14. Antarctica: The ugliest kid in the class (Get it cause Antractia Is really cold) 

    Sorry if that was mean 

    I also don't care if Antarctia isn't a country 
  15. Philippines: Student who always picks up America's crumpled paper and reuses it.
  16. New Zealand would be the fastest.
  17. Guys watch "Hetalia"  it describes every country. It's an anime