Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by IlIIllIlIlIlZEUSSlIlIlIllllIlI, Dec 24, 2012.

  1. One word. type it. Now. 10 seconds. You clicked the thread. May as well type? Waisting your time reading this really you could be typing the fruit. Yeah exactly just type the fruit. If a fish could fly then do you think it would still be called a fish or would it be a bird maybe if it was yellow it could be tweety like tweety bird from looney tunes, talking about looney tunes bugs bunny is a sound guy.
  2. Daffy Duck 

    Lemon ;-;
  3. I love all fruit and Veg, is that really wrong or really weird? 0.o
  4. Banana Yak Jiu
  5. Dragon fruit.
  6. I like all fruits. But veggies are nasty.
  7. Watermelon

    gagging myself
  8. I love all fruits and vegetables even though bananas burn the roof of my mouth
  9. Mangos and pineapples
  10. Bananas  and pears
  11. Pears ._.
  12. Pears 
  13.  Im allergic to fruit, No lie 
    ~ BlkBarbie18~
  14.  The only fruit I like is apple 