are there any anime lovers out there???

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by *Kimberly_10 (01), Dec 21, 2012.

  1. Yeah, I'm puzzled why so many dislike Sakura. She's a bitch in Part I but her character in Part II is lovely.
  2. What you mean part 1 and 2?
  3. Part I - Naruto
    Part II - Naruto Shippuden.

     You mean you don't know...?
  4. 1. Samurai champloo
    2. Bleach
    3. Vampire knight
    4. Ouran high school host club
    5. Blade of the immoral
    6. Kanon (2006)
    7. High school of the dead
  5. Should I make the list?
    Old School:
    1. Rorouni Kenshin / Samurai X
    2. Neon Genesis Evangelion
    3. Elfen Lied
    4. Cowboy Bebop
    5. Majutsushi Orphen
    6. Slayers
    7. Blood: The Last Vampire

    New Century:
    1. AnoHana
    2. Madoka
    3. Angel Beat
    4. Higurashi no Naku Koro Ni
    5. Haruhi Suzumiya no Yutsuu
    6. Bakemonogatari
    7. Another

    Never Ending:
    1. Doraemon
    2. Crayon Shinchan
    3. Pokemon
  6. I love amine and manga! My top lists are: naruto, fairytail,one piece, sword art online, dgray man, berserk, code breaker, pandora hearts, code geass and etc.
  7. Sakura friendzoned Naruto for about 103891942 times.  Her devotion for the past six hundred chapters and who knows how many episodes was to him, and even in that episode where she had a white zetsu creep up on her she admitted to still being in love with Sasuke.

    Hell, I have no problem with NaruSaku, in fact I ship them as best friends, but I just feel like there isn't much attraction in there.

    I should start a naruto shipping debate thread some day in the future. *O*

    @infinity: I'm silenced so I can't reply to you on your wall, but I'm actually thinking about starting the request thread again. I might do this privately or make a thread, I haven't got the whole thing planned yet.
  8. Omg Sakura is the best female character in the Konoha 11

    How she gets haters is unknown to me. She was a giant bitch in Part 1, but her power was grown so much and the progress was astounding, that and she's like the third most powerful medic nin in all of Konoha, behind Tsunade and Shizune. She has great chakra and she has been shown to use her full potential, hence her super human strength. It's not just her power, it's who she is. She can be a giant bitch, but she has determination and devotion, shown as when she vowed to try bringing Sasuke back and spendinf years training with Tsunade to not be a burden ro Naruto. She makes dumb decisions, but she chooses what she wants to do from her heart, such as going as far as lying to Naruto and then knocking him out to try to save Sasuke, even if it was a dumb as fuck idea. She's passionate and strong-willed and emotional, making her far by one of the most human-like characters in Naruto. *o*

  9. Wow!!! >_< there are many anime lovers here!!!
  10. Animes are part of my life. I love anime!! I'm an official Otaku Addict
    1.Sword Art online
    2.One Piece
    3.Code Geas
    4.Highschool DxD
    5.Hagure Yuusha No Estetica
    7.Ao no Exorcist
    8.Hitman Reborn
    9.Death Note
    10.air gear
    The genre that i like are: Harem, romance, school life, demons, thriller, suspense almost all except for reverse harem
  11. Sword art online ftw!!
  12. My favorite genre - hentai doujin 
  13. Hey fallenchocolate if you like the anime angel beats you should watch air, clannad, and the newest one "little buster" these anime are amazing.all of them are super sad.

    @Glenn its call seasonsnot parts so i was confuse.

    @chloe i would love to see your drawings again

    Who wants to play the anime game with me?wall me and we will
  14. We will duel to the death*
  15. I know an anime that everyone hates to the coreguess what it is and i'll give you teddies
  16. @Infinity: I watched all anime series by Kyoto Animation, and yes that's include Kanon, Clannad, Hyouka and their newest, Chuunibyo. I currently watch Little Buster also. I just named a few that I remember. There's so many amazing anime series so that my list are far from complete. I agree with u, all u mentioned are also great anime.

    Forgot to mention:
    1. Fate/Zero: one of the best anime of the decade, great storyline and superb animation.
    2. Mirai Nikki: this one I recommend because of 1 main cast only. Yuno Gasai. Just watch her. You'll be entertained. Promised.
  17. I also love anime and I also enjoy reading manga!

    My Top 10 Anime:

    • Acchi Kocchi
    • Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic
    • Hyouka
    • Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai!
    • Toradora!
    • Sword Art Online
    • Fairy Tail
    • Tsubasa Chronicles
    • Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun
    • Ranma 1/2
  18. Lol, it's supposed to be "Chuunibyou demo Koi ga S h i t a i!"