Hey guys! So I've been thinking about writing a story, so, here's what I've got! Hope you like it! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Brooke's POV I hate Mondays, yet here it is another Monday! I hear my alarm clock go off, and I know that no matter what I think, I'm going to have to deal with it. When I arrive downstairs for breakfast, I see my BFF, Claire, already waiting for me. I quickly grab a waffle and run out the door. I'm Brooke by the way, I'm just like an average girl, except that I'm really shy, and..... Well, not average. I have long, shiny, curly, chocolate brown hair, emerald green eyes, and My, BFF, Claire, says I have the most amazing singing voice in the world and that I'm beautiful. But, of course, this "beauty" I have is hidden. My eyes Are rarely seen because I wear my "nerd" glasses, and I wear a hat everyday. I'm definitely not considered popular at school, I'm more like..... The invisible geek, but thats fine with me. When Claire and I finally arrived at school, I saw my crush standing about 20 feet away from us. "Oh my gosh look! There's a parking spot all the way over there Claire!" I Turned and said to Claire. "Haha, nice try! But look! There's a parking lot right here, so that way you can talk to Brody!" Claire answered Claire. Just hearing his name made my heart skip a beat, Brody. He was the cutest guy I've ever seen, but there's no way he'd ever end up with someone like me. We got out of the car and started making our way towards school. Luckily we just walked right around Brody and his group of friends, but I was sure to keep my head down the whole time. When I reached my locker, I got what I needed for English, which was my first period and told Claire I'd see her at lunch. As I walked down the deserted hall, I wondered why it was so empty. Suddenly I realized that I was probably late if I didn't hurry to my class. I sprinted down the hall, and as I turned the corn, I slammed into someone else, and we both fell to the ground. "Oh my gosh I'm So-" I started to say, but then I realized who I ran into and I was suddenly at a loss for words. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hope you guys like it!
Here's an update! Sorry it took so long! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I was speechless. Of all the people in school, I ran into Brody!!! My faced turned red and I felt my ear turning red too. I quickly stood up, picked up my stuff and ran down the hallway to first period. When I got to class, the teacher in the middle of teaching with her back to me, so I quickly and quietly slipped into my seat. I reached down and grabbed my notebook to get caught up On the notes, but when I looked at the notebook wasn't mine. At first I was confused, but then it hit me. I had accidentally picked up Brody's notebook. Oh mi gosh, I felt like I was gunna die!!!! Brody had the notebook that I had drawn his name all over. This day couldn't possible get any worse. As I reached to get a sheet of paper to take noted on I realized that Brody's notebook was open, I reached to close it but something in it caught my eye. In the corner of a page written in red, there was a name written inside a heart...... My name.
Another romance story about a nerd? Throw in her being shy and a good singer and you have a generic FF story :smile: