
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -Mike-LovesAhli, Dec 20, 2012.

  1. Once again, it's Holiday time You all know what that means

     It's Ahliedel's Gift Give-Away

    If you wall, follow, or ask in this thread, Ahlie will gift you  She's also giving out her infamous drop volleys to players under 30-Billion.

    Make sure you hit her up soon, because once the Christmas gifts disappear, Ahliedel stops gifting 
  2. Dv? Can I get dv?
  3. After I save money ._.
  4. Ahli. Vvvv
  5. If this is serious I would like as many rings as possible if not... Have a nice holiday everyone 
  6. Lol!! 
  7. Let's try, a tank maybe?
  8. all I want is 1bil
  9. I can has famous dv
    For a lonely lil lovely son of yours

    I has evidences on my wall 
  10. Ahhh I waited all year for this 
  11. Ahliiiiiii 
  12.  I'll 20 ugly sweater vests please
  13.  Brodolf??? Yes? no? Maybe?
  14. reindeer and claus??
  15. Yay it my favourite time of year! 
  16. ring spam please Ahli mother dearest 
  17.  dunno what i want for gift
  18. 

    Ah's give away!!!! Best time of the year!!!!
  19. Ahli mommy!!!! I want a wall art 