I Luv Glenn

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by *FPS_Russia (01), Dec 19, 2012.

  1. I don't C:

    * pretends to try and kiss his face *
  2. 
  3. We ALL luv Glenn  somewhere deep don't we do
  4. Who doesn't?
  5. Glenny-boy has a man friend 
  6. I love TheSlenderman 
  7. Bump for Glenn 
  8. Are you the famous Slendy? I've heard alot about you. 
  9. Oh absolutely!
  10. I don't remember anyone on this thread but Boo and Glenny-boy
  11. Psh, who likes Glenn 
  12. The famous slendy? And who is it? Fame is a fictional term to say that you are gifted unwritten social advantages for being known by a massive or important group of people.
  13. no one Luvs you Pwnd
  14. I love PWND >.> he has a rather nice heart deep down in there. It just takes more than lesbian sex, gin, vodka; cocaine, and badly made porn to reach it.
  15. You are a strange person.