Thanks everyone for the praise . It really feeds the self-absorbed dragon living in my brain. And... I don't know if people like Danyaal or hate him. I'm indifferent, he has his moments when I want to smack him and moments when I could marry the kid.
I really like this. You have a fairly unprecendented, to PiMD, attitude and character to your writing. Good job.
Webboo, bitch I missed your ass <3 and thank you. I just finished today's actual post but not sure if all of the images will work. So bare with me.
There are two categories that go with this post: 1. My long term obsessions and new things about them. 2. New obsessions Note: If you disagree with anything, I'll listen but I will not pretend to care if I don't or respond if I feel I won't be as kind and loving as I normally am. With that out of the way, let's get started. New Obsessions Music •Hopeless Records/Air Dubai: They've recently signed a new band called Air Dubai. I've heard two of AD's songs off of the Hopeless YouTube channel. The band reminds me of the typical rap, toned down slightly and mixed with funky, almost techno background music. To me, Air Dubai sounds like a mix of Linkin Park and Karmin. This is also a band that's a bit out of the way for me, the only reason I stumbled across them was HR, and I can't thank the company enough for that. Air Dubai, in my opinion, is a new, fresh band with good chances in the pop and mainstream music industries. I'd listen for them on radio stations and can post the links upon request. The World of Fashion What I've been wearing: •Boy's button downs: I have found that men's and boy's button downs unbuttoned look good over tank tops, plain fitted shirts, and long sleeves. Goodwill and other thrift stores carry them for between $2 and $5. Many of the shirts are in good condition and some of my latest purchases have still had tags! button down (Goodwill $3 and The Limited long sleeve $10 on sale) •Doc Martins: Dear god, I only have one pair of DMs but I can honestly say they're one of the best made and most comfortable shoe out there. I picked mine up off of eBay for $30, they're used but in fairly good condition and go with everything but black. The company makes a variety of comfy footwear ranging from riding boots to combat boots to good, hardy work boots. Brand new, Doc Martins are fairly expensive ($90 - $300, on average from what I've seen), but very much worth dipping into your wallet. They're made of quality, oiled leather and have thick soles for comfort, support, and long lasting wear. The only issue I have with mine are that they're very heavy, but then again, the sole is about an inch thick. My DMs •Kool-aid dyed hair: Some of you might be rolling your eyes right now, thinking I've gone ghetto on you guys, but Kool-aid is honestly the best choice I've made when it comes to dyeing my hair unnatural colors. My hair is most often a medium brown with some blonde streaks. I dyed my hair with Kool-aid for the first time two months ago and it hasn't washed out since. It's great if you want long lasting color and have thick, healthy hair, as Kool-aid does do slight damage. If you're wanting something more short-term as far as color, I suggest looking elsewhere. The biggest upsides to using Kool-aid over regular hair dye are price ($0.10 a packet versus $8.00) and long lasting, vibrant colors. I'll eventually make a tutorial on this and will make sure to post it if anyone is interested. BOOKS I normally read a wide variety of books and only have time to review one a week, so I'll be listing the top I last read and rating them 1-10. •I Am The Messenger - Markus Zusak 6/10 •The Maze Runner - James Dashner 9/10 •Delirium - Lauren Oliver 10/10 (Look out for a review of Before I Fall sometime over winter break ) Ongoing Obsessions * I won't go into much detail here, as you will pick up information over time. Music Top Bands •All Time Low: I recently saw them in concert at Cat's Cradle in Carrboro, NC. Minus getting lost on the way there, it was by far one of the best nights of my life. Also, Don't Panic came out November 9th, my top song off of the album is: Paint You Wings. •Divided by Friday: This should technically go under new obsessions but I don't have much to say about this band. The first time I heard of them was at the concert when they opened for ATL. The lead singer, Jose, is simply adorable and sounds similar to Brendon Urie of P!ATD. I enjoyed their set very much, especially the band's wide-known song Prove It and their adaptation of All I Want For Christmas. My Warped Fashion Sense 3 Most Worn Items for Winter •Skinny jeans •Cute hats •Fingerless Gloves Cute hats FAVORITEST BOOK/AUTHOR EVER Book: Winnie the Pooh Author: John Green
In addition to explaining what I do to get over _____, I'll be posting a tutorial on how to make pancakes
How not to make pancakes 1 First, you want the walnuts to fall all over you. Make sure they get stuck in the drain and under the oven. 2 Start mixing your ingredients, double check to see if you covered your boobs in flour. 3 Light the stove. This step is very very important! If you don't light the stove your pancakes won't cook... 4 Enjoy them. Fox will probably never be allowed in the kitchen again... Fun fact: No matter how hard you squeeze an egg with one hand, it won't break.