Fox, i will probably be back soon since i probably will be getting an ipad for Christmas. So…in yo face.
Please try to make threads with a better purpose, or just make them entertaining. Don't bump it if everyone doesn't like it
lol i5. Good one. And this does have a purpose, king. Sorry u dont see it. The only reason ppl dont want to see it is cuz i wrote it. Apparently, im the most hated person in forums.
Foxy and Kingy, that is so true. c,: (Please note: I usually put a y at the end of people's names, don't know why, don't ask why. ,_,)
Baren, I like to leave the last letter off of people's names to be different (lolnope) Baren is pronounced: Bare-naked by the by.
Stop being an attention seeker. And dont even say you're not seeking attention when you clearly saod you want all forumer to see this. And since you said this thread had a purpose, please do tell
I think the point is that she expects us to care about her undying love for an app existing on an inanimate object created by a dead dude. Therefore, she's confessing her undying love for Steve Jobs, even after his death.
The point is that all ur hate doesn't faze me. So sticks and stones will break my bones, but words will never hurt me.
Unless that have sharp tails like..... Z. or. POW. or WHAM. etc. etc. Foxy, I think I love my new name. <3
Every time I see that, the brain voice says "bare-naked". o_o And every time I see your name, gangnam style pops into my head and goes Aaaaaaaaay Foxeh Ladeh Opp Opp Oppan gangnam style. ;-;