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Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -Glenn-, Dec 16, 2012.
Glenn I've been lurking for about a month here.
Webboo Are you the guy that created Boo's news?
I am.
Yesss, my memory hasn't completely failed me.Lol, wb for about month ago.
I'll meet you half way Boo, -GlennLovesMooBoo-
Boo's News is the best PIMD newspaper that I have/will ever read.
Partly because I was a reporter there!
-Gleen_McMoobs- ITS PURFECT!
-Glenn-the great
And sexy
-Glenn_TehGr8nSexy- ?
Yes it was all I can think of for now
Glenntastic Glenn-sickle Wh1t3~sh@d0w D@rk_kn1ght L0rd-of-müd Cÿb3rrüñń3r W@rl0ck-O-p@1n