Bubbles, you are a KID, do you know how to read?!!!! IT SAYS 17 YOU SAY YOU'RE 11, GO BACK TO SCHOOL!
Yes but technically they can't stop an eleven year old from joing so we just have to be aware that there are younger players on here
Dude, leave her alone. She's trying to apologize. Instead you guys are being anus faces about it. Way to be mature. The Random Guy, chill. If you're supposedly 17, why are YOU acting 11? Jeez, calm it. Not that big a deal.
I'm going to strip farm whoever fucked with my tutor. Dancingqueen you're first. Phillip you're second if you insult her like that again.
Seriously u people need to leave her alone! She hasn't even posted back to non of y'all's stupid crap and y'all still keep going!
You need to follow instructions too since I see you mentioning third party apps on threads. Want me to bash you for that?
Just to make one thing clear for EVERYONE this game has been rated 17 by APPLE not ATA who made this game! So leave her alone! So what is she's 11 and she's playing this game?! I started when I was 10, who gives two fucks? Not me.