Royal Treatment

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Jihi, Nov 26, 2012.

  1.  Sigh.... Is anyone reading this anymore? :3 one more update later tonight. Will be about the royal ball beginning. Dum dum dum..... 
  2. I briefly entertained the idea of calling Nathan back but it was late and I was tired. I rode the elevator up to my room. Sitting outside my door was a man in a tailored suit. His head was bowed down with his dark hair covering his eyes. He looked up as I approached and stood quickly. It was Nathan!

    “Oh good,” he said. I could see relief wash over his face.

    I was surprised. “Why are you here?”

    He looked embarrassed, and not like his usual teasing self. “Just was worried about you… I’m glad you’re safe.” His eyes spied the jacket I was wearing and a troubled look came over his face. “Ah… I have to go,” he said quickly and pushed past me rather violently before disappearing into the elevator.

    “Wait, Nathan!” I called to him, but he pretended not to hear me. I saw him looking a bit wounded as the doors closed.

    Confused I unlocked my door and went inside my room. I fell on the bed and breathed deeply into the clean covers. Van’s jacket was still wrapped around me and I could smell his masculine scent. I pulled it off quickly and got ready for bed. Lying there I stared up at the ceiling. Why was I here? What was I supposed to be writing for?

    I took out my laptop and wrote and wrote, detailing the events of my arrival to shopping to Mme. Malvow’s party. I left out the personal details, trying to come at it in a professional manner despite Werner’s instruction that it wasn’t necessary. I omitted the restaurant event altogether. After I was done, I sent it to Werner. It wasn’t my best writing but it was as clear and concise as I could make it. Then without being aware of when, I fell asleep.

    In the morning Nathan didn’t call me. I didn’t have time anyway, as Werner had sent correspondence. He didn’t say anything regarding the article I had sent him, but he did send me an account number that held my pay thus far and informed me the hotel was holding the credit card. He again wanted the article sent before our next correspondence.

    The phone rang. “Ms. Werner, your driver is here,” the hotel receptionist said.

    “Thank you, I’ll be right down.” I said and hung up.

    I had already taken a shower and applied my makeup. I was wearing the dress that Nathan had bought for me. Its beauty was dulled by my plain coat, but I had no choice. Carefully folding Van’s jacket, I put it in the bag from the store and grabbed my purse. I gave myself a once over in the mirror, mildly satisfied. It was time to go.

    My nerves began acting up in the car. I was on my way to the Royal Ball at last. Although this was only a morning brunch at the banquet hall, it was almost always attended by all members of the Royal families, and of course their guests… which included me!
  3. ᏰᏬᎷᏑ
  4. 
  5. I didn't read soo much! BUMP!
  6. Can anyone read my story misery loves my company? Please I just want to see if it's good or not and I love this story Jihi
  7. Castello di Euphorbia was a sprawling building of fabulous shining architecture. It was donated in large part by the Thiamat family. Four other castles were placed around Isola del Paradiso, each owned largely by their respective Royal families. Castello di Euphorbia was no doubt the most luxurious, and although no one would say it aloud, it was no secret that the Thiamat family had done this to establish their dominance as the leading kingdom power.

    The Royal Ball was held here as well in the grand ballroom; however this morning was only a brunch to be attended by the royal families and their guests. Though everyone didn’t attend as it wasn’t a mandatory function, most often the great dining hall was filled by eager celebrities hoping to have contact with royalty.

    As the car that Werner had brought to the hotel for me pulled up the sweeping driveway, I stared up at the castle gates in awe. I saw expansive gardens and lush topiaries lining the drive. The castle loomed up ahead, a sparkling pristine white marble covered with royal red banners. There were already plenty of people here, even though I had arrived relatively early.

    The driver parked a ways away from the giant doors that were propped open. Guests were mingling in and out of the castle, sipping champagne from crystal flutes. I could see everyone decked in furs and diamonds, just like I had seen every other day.

    “I’m sorry Ms. Werner,” he said to me as he opened my door. “This is as close as I can get. I’ve been instructed to pick you up at two this afternoon, and will come to this place to do so.”

    “No problem at all,” I said meekly and stepped out.

    My heels hit the paved drive and I staggered a bit. As I looked about embarrassed I was glad that no one had seen that. The driver drove away and I stood clutching my purse like a timid rabbit. A man in a fine silk shirt approached and handed a champagne flute to me from a silver tray. I tried to thank him but he looked at me strangely before walking off.

    I sipped it and coughed a little at the strength. It was morning and these people were in full makeup and drinking alcohol! I supposed I’d never understand the rich and privileged. I looked down at my slacks and button up shirt. It appeared that I was horribly underdressed.

    A hush went over the crowd suddenly and everyone turned to face me. Rather, they turned to face what was behind me. I turned and saw a rather nondescript yet expensive vehicle pull up touting flags that bore the insignia of the Kingdom of Equix. The driver got out and opened the door and out stepped a familiar face and his entourage of guards.

    “Ah,” said the delicious rich voice I had heard once before. “I told you we’d meet again.”
  8. Dun Dun Dun DUNNAAHHH
  9. Oh god :0.
  11. Standing before me in regal glory was Crown Prince Ian Kirtak of Equix, decked in fine furs and a slimming suit. He again wore sunglasses but I could feel his gaze like a piercing heat to my chest. His brown hair shone in the morning sun and he reached forward taking my hand in his. He brought it to his lips and deliberately caught my eyes over the top of his sunglasses as he pressed his soft lips to my skin.

    I heard a murmur run through the crowd behind us. It seemed people were wondering who I was. I blushed fiercely, realizing that now I had a hundred gazes on me instead of just one. He straightened and a small smirk pulled at his upper lip. He was amused at the chatter behind me.

    He took my other hand and lifted the champagne flute from my loose fingers, bringing it to his lips. I realized too late that he was about to take a sip. “No, wait, I’ll get you your own…” I began, but he had already parted his lips and let the cool liquid slide into his mouth.

    He gave a short laugh. “Are you too good to let me share a kiss with you?”

    I squirmed in discomfort. “N-No…” I apologized. “I mean-”

    Another car had pulled up during our interaction, this time a long white limousine. “Don’t tease her,” said the man who had stepped from the car. His blue eyes caught mine and I felt faint as I watched him brush his long blonde hair behind his shoulders.

    “It’s Prince DeGillus!” exclaimed a woman from the crowd behind me.

    It was the man that I had danced with at the party from the night before. He looked stunning in a white uniform with gold trim. Just like a prince from a fairytale. He regarded the champagne flute in Prince Ian’s hand before looking back to me. He gave a stiff polite smile that didn’t quite reach his eyes. Perhaps he was upset that I had left him at the party?

    “You left something behind last night,” he said in his soft melodic voice. A manservant behind him brought forth a beautiful package. He took it and handed it to me, his slim fingers brushing mine and sending electric shocks down my arms. It didn’t seem possible that someone’s skin could be so perfect and soft.

    “What do you mean, last night?” Ian asked, sounding mildly upset. He had a grim look on his face that had a hint of danger to it.

    Prince DeGillus shot an icy glare at him. “Don’t misunderstand Kirtak, like you always do.”

    I sensed the tension between the two and hurriedly opened the box. Inside was my coat. It gave me a nasty reminder that I still had Prince Orcello’s jacket back at the hotel. “Ah, thank you,” I said a little louder than I had intended. Both princes turned to stare at me. I flushed again. At least they had stopped fighting.

    A melody began playing from inside the castle and people who had been watching our interaction slowly began flooding inside. It seemed the brunch was beginning.

    “My lady,” Prince Ian said, extending his hand to me. His rich brown eyes glittered behind the sunglasses and I could feel his presence even more than his broad form. Unlike before the furs were black and made his beautiful short light brown hair shine more brilliantly. He was indeed a prince.

    “If you’d do me the honor,” Prince DeGillus said, also putting his arm out for me. His long blonde hair cascaded over his shoulders like a golden waterfall. His clear blue eyes were looking at me intently, conveying his seriousness on this matter. Clad in his white uniform with its intricate gold trimmings, he was the epitome of elegance.

    I stared in horror at the situation that had unfolded before me. I gulped and reached my hand tentatively out at last...

    Decision Time
    <Take Prince Ian Kirtak’s hand>
    <Take Prince Zane DeGillus’ hand>

    Voting lasts 24 hours. Most popular choice continues the story. In case of a tie, next poster regardless if voted or not breaks tie. Vote for only one. If you don't vote, you don't have a say in the story!
  12. Zane DeGillas' hand!!
  13. Wow this story is captivating. I'm drawn in by the descriptive outline and the storyline. Good job
  14. Prince Zane DeGillusPrince Ian feels like a jerk