Important, read this

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -N_G-TheSlenderman, Oct 28, 2012.

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  1. They're not some kind of monster .
  2. So we shouldn't stop killers, pedophiles or thieves... We're not their parents. In what kind of fucked up world do you live? I wouldn't want to be one of your parents 'cause I would have failed your education.
  3. Pimd is a game u play in the iPod . Quit messing it up for ppl dang
  4. Lol it's funny... When I play monopoly, I respect rules so everyone is happy... But an iDevice game, screw the rules and let's act like uncivilized sexual predators even thought it's against the laws and rules. You have a strange logic...
  5. where dafuq do u get killers from , and pedophiles from ? it's just flirting , the whole world does and we both live in it so get over it
  6. I kno u play monopoly
  7. Sexting with minors when you are major seems like pedophilia to me. It's against the laws, just like murders.
  8. And instead of trying to tell others not to tell others what to do, you should try to have a proper spelling... It would help you with your credibility.
  9. haha why do I need proper spelling if u can already understand what I'm trying to say . Ur not stupid
  10. Sexting with minors is messed up but I'm sure most ppl here are teens , probably not u tho . Anyways they're young and just trying to have fun . All the ppl I have ever talk to are in my age
  11. No I'm not stupid. But your spelling does make you look stupid.
  12. Don't worry about me worry about ur self
  13. ( that was not a threat lol )
  14. what they say and what they are is different. I can say I'm 30 but in reality, I could be 10. It's the Internet. Don't trust everyone here.
  15. I flirt alot , but I'm not stupid enough to kill someone or rape or something like that .
  16. But they're not gonna kill me , lol or kill . Thts just stupid . I mean ur gonna go make an apple account buy an iPod , get pimd . And search for ppl to kill and sext . Do u honestly think that happens here ??
  17. NO cuz ur not stupid lol
  18. You should know that what you call flirting is called sexting and it's illegal when done with minors... Turns out that maybe half of the sexters on pimd are minors.
  19. U realize that the slender man , is a guy with no face who stalks little kids in the woods and kills them right ?
  20. Killing is illegal sir . 
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