It's all the same thing. Rules are based on intent. I use pal so I can't hate ppl that use FFM. there are legitimate users still
I'm not against using it. I use pal for club to club talks. But I don't go on wc and advertise it either. I use yahoo mail too but I bet if I start posting it on campus chat I'll get banned for disclosing personal info. Same should apply to ffm.
Actually If I see private info on walls I have to mute. So don't get caught. If it looks like normal? I'll wall you to delete and to not exchange over PIMD See? I'm fair
Well I don't have to worry about getting caught because I don't use ffm. Or try to "hook up" with people on a game. I'm just tired of seeing it on campus chat.
Well that's find. I'm not telling you to stop ffm. I'm trying to tell u to stop using it to cyber date with younge kids
See devs have now added that word to the blocked list. Now if u type those three irritating letters u get blocked.
Im use ffm or palringo only for send the screenshots who farmed me . Best if not use , but then need for i can send to wall photo's in game .
If we are going to be prejudice about every application in the app store, why not prevent advertising it on this application?
There's a thread about official PAL group etc. Seriously I understand the hate but ppl talked about other things all the time. As long as ppl are not looking for something sexual (especially with young ppl) or anything elicit. I have no problems with them making friends. There is a whole page of 13-16 year olds showing off their pics. Everyone comments. That's no different really then someone asking for pic on FFM. If you hint at something sexual, for me the rules kick then.
Also when people put ffm aren't they bypassing filter by typing ff m. Is that not breaking the rules?