best Pokemon poem ever <3

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by *The_Random_Guy (01), Dec 2, 2012.

  1. Charmanders are red.
    Squirtles are blue.
    If you were a Pokemon, I'd choose you.
    Your smile is stronger than a hyperbeam.
    Like Jesse and James, we'd make the perfect team.
    I'll stay by your side like pikachu and Ash,
    And I'll love you more than a level 80 rapidash.
    You're more legendary that a Zapdos, Entei, or Mew.
    But out of all 649, I choose you.

  2. nice!!
  3. Seen it.
    Read it.
    Why you take from a site?
  4. He didnt say he made it lol
  5. Agreed, if I said I made it, I would've said so
  6. Someone said that in cc one day and no one knew what he was talking about. I guess you have to be a Pokemon fan to understand.

    Btw, my fav Pokemon are Pikachu and Rapidash.  ( y I love that poem so much)
  7. That's sweet. 

    I can say my favourite Pokemon or spike will come in here and make fun of me. -.-
  8. Jessie and James a perfect team my ass  they fail every time
  9.  well before more people come,

  10. My favorite pokemon is magmar. :3
  11. Magikarp <3 such a cute Pokemon
  12. I love Pokemon!!!!
  13. My favorite is pikachu!!! 
  14. Eevee is best Pokemon!