Fantasy Roleplay

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Metal_Militia, Nov 20, 2012.

  1. Sparrow: -Grins back and stops it-
  2. Oi. I thought you could only copy by touching that person.
  3. Kaitlyn: stares at the two of them. Reaches for Shilohs hand.
  4. Sparrow: "How about I've known about my powers my whole life and I've met many others like me and I touch them. You're not the only ones who have those powers."
  5. Hmph. *stomps on the ground and a huge crack opens in the earth where sparrow is*
  6. Shiloh: -holds Kaitlyn's hand-
  7. Sparrow: -Jumps up and stays floating in the air- "What is it with you and randomly fighting someone?"
  8. I don't know. *shrugs* sorry *it close back up an i skip away ^.^*
  9. Kaitlyn: smiles at Shiloh and watches Keegan and sparrow
  10. Shiloh: Ya wanna get away from here? And ditch those losers? -nods in the direction of the Secret Service Men-
  11. Alida

    -creeping around in the woods-
  12. Kaitlyn: oki doki. Stands up
  13. (Where did the secret service peeps come from?)
  14. (They've been there...)

    Shiloh: -stands up-
  15. Kaitlyn: follows him obediently
  16. Alida

    -trips over a stick, lands down on her knees, pouts-
  17. Shiloh: -leads you out the back door-
  18. Sparrow: -Sighs, turns around towards them with a smile but inside I feel sick ate sight of them together- "You two okay?"

    (Yep I'm creating a love triangle )
  19. Kaitlyn: smiles at him. Looks back. Yeah. We are. Umm thanks?
  20. Shiloh: Yeah we're fine