And I'm not ruining the fun. There are a lot of FUNNER rps right below this one. It's just being a clog.
Kaitlyn: wandering around Sapphire: wishing someone would pick her for a ride because no one wants to pick her Emerald: sleeping on the grounds.
Fine what ever, I really want to do this rp and iv seen you guys tell people to shut there fan fictions or rp down and I thinks that's rude and overall mean so I think you guys shud stop that and il stop trying to keep my rp alive k
Fine what ever, I really want to do this rp and iv seen you guys tell people to shut there fan fictions or rp down and I thinks that's rude and overall mean so I think you guys shud stop that and il stop trying to keep my rp alive ok
Emerald: sees emmalyn and pads over with her wings spread. Sits infront of her. Sapphire: walks past nick with her wings folded back Kaitlyn: sits on the grass