(clearly) Torrance; *tries to struggle away eventually I get the guts to break one of your toes with my riding boot*
(Lol) Raven's Clone: "You seriously need to calm down. It's not like I'm in love with you. Jeez, you have way too much pent up anger in you." -Shakes head and backs up-
Torrance: UGH! Don't kiss me again! Jeez! *wipes my mouth* I told you im not going to fall in love with you. I'm not falling in love with any of you goodies. Just don't touch me. *starts to walk out again*
Raven's Clone: "What makes you think I'm good? I protect something I love. I'm not asking you to be in love with me, I know that will never happen. I'm probably going to fall for you but I could care less about my feelings. Don't say something that you don't know anything about. You know nothing about me or the people here. If we're so good to you and you can't stand us then while the hell did you come here in the first place? We lost one of the greatest heroes in this kingdom and to make it worse, she thought she deserve to die when she died. Don't speak without thinking." -I say angry. Walks ahead of her, mentally angry with myself-
Torrance: *stands there my mouth slightly opened at her sudden jab I then realized that maybe I was being a bit of a poopface about all of this...* (don't judge my choice of word.... -.- I can't swear)
Torrance: *my horse rears up at the surprise and I do my best to calm him down* watch it. *growls my hood back up around my face*
(Hmm they won't let me put another thread on It keeps saying error: unknown results. It's not an RP either )
Torrance: *walks a couple.steps behind her still leading my horse* (0.0 it was doing that with me and my club chat)
Lucas: -Smirks- "Do you have something else in mind?" Raven's Clone: -Sighs and starts walking again when she caught up-