PULL TOGETHER !!!!! WE CAN TAKE BACK OUR GAME!!!!! SILLY 'he said, she said' comments aside! GET RID OF THE PERVS THAT MAKE US A JOKE!!!!
GAW! Really?! Bunch ofkids thinking they are 'gangster' KAW?! People thinking the live with the round table and Excalibur!!!! WE! PIMD OWN ATA!!! WE JUST NEED TO CLEAN IT UP!!!! Let the pervs go to substandard games!
If everyone played Pimd like they used to it would b an awesome game again. We're suppose to battle people, were suppose to war, were suppose to play the game like it was designed to be played But pervs are getting in the way and were letting themthat's just not right PLAYERS OF OLD LETS MAKE PIMD THE WAY IT USED TO BE Listen to ditch n support him
THANK YOU BAD GIRL! I don't care about past problems! I don't care about TERROR vs. WHO EVER!!!!! Clean up pimd! Make it number one! How many of us spent actual money on this game!!!!!!! Then we are gonna let it go to hell!!!!! REALLY!!!!!! I mean REALLY!!!! I disagree with the mods too! But good lord, HELP THEM OUT!
People that know me...know I don't like MAG, but I'd appreciate his followers help in cleaning up pimd! It will take a concerted effort to work. After all is is said and done...then you can go back to farming each other! HELP THE PIMD COMMUNITY FIRST!
Don't be scared to help. I need your help, the mods (even though they aren't liked) need your help! PIMD needs your help!!!!
Uncle totally agree with your forum but how about people who disgrace this game by ROLE PLAYING. they need to stop. I dont mind them at all but asking to rp with strangers is a complete and total absurd notion. I mean this game about
Uncle totally agree with your forum but how about people who disgrace this game by ROLE PLAYING. they need to stop. I dont mind them at all but asking to rp with strangers is a complete and total absurd notion. I mean this game is about wars. Parties. Farming. And maybe active chatting but not pretending to be a vampire (glitter fairy) or being super mario. Like GAWD rp freaks go somewhere else and ruin another online game. Like myspace. Etc. Get out of PIMD
Spam the feedback im sure the devs would love that. I did it the other night friggen pervs they were annoying me on campus so I put in a few complaints. we definatly need morr mods on Australian night time!!!
Maria....I know we've(mainly) me have had disagreements....but I'm sick of how pimd has taken a turn for the worse!!!! I WANT MY DAMN GAME BACK!!!!!!!
Totally agree we need more active mods. Yes we accept all mods have a real life n that's fine but that then means we need more mods. If more mods mean less pervs I'm all for it
I've been asked...WHAT ABOUT TERROR? Honestly, I don't care about TERROR, MAG, VK, Or the rest of the VIPS! All I know, is I want PIMD back!!!!! The pimd community should at least make alts to farm the pervs! MAKE PIMD THE GAME WE ALL CAME TO LOVE! Good lord ppl! Help me out!
True pimd players are gone lol. All that's left are the pathological liars, the sexters, the drama seekers, the big tough baddies (I gotta emphasize how much I laugh when I see them ) etc etc. it's a shame the good people who made this game fun once upon a time ago left.
I'm getting disappointed with the lack of old school support...it's disheartening.... To many little feuds.... Really!! A he said, she said problem is stopping the greater good? MAN/WOMEN UP! For once, no one cared, it's about the pimd game. GET OVER THE PETTY DIFFERENCES! Make the the game better! Then go back to your petty wars.
Terror are not pervsterror has nothing to do with this. I'm voicing my opinion as I agree with ditch. It should not be about clubs it is about how sad it is that pervs are outnumbering the legitimate players
EXACTLY!!!!!! I DI NOT CARE ABOUT PETTY DIFFERENCES!!! HE SAID! SHE SAID!!! I.DONT. CARE. This is something we all should be agree!