sitting back watching

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by D-1-T-C-H, Nov 19, 2012.

  1. Tittle says a lot.....

    Watching farm wars. Silly arguments. ToU breakers. Mods desperately trying to do their jobs....

    People that truly know me know that I like to drink... I do. But I'm a self proclaimed ppl watcher. Campus has gone down hill. Not enough mods and to many noob/perverts make for a bad world campus.

    To many n00bs acting like real world tough guys...even though they'd soil themselves in real life, it's cool, because it makes the game funny.

    To many pervs and pedos on WC....we need more mods...I know they can't be everywhere...but the times that some are on...are on power trips...maybe that's why pimd are going through so many... Mods are silencing a 50/50 silence and letting 100%'s go through...I know that mods aren't in 24/7 but good lord. Get the PERV's!!!!!!! They are giving us a bad and name! Not the ppl that have farmed you!
  2. This is not a drunken thread.
  3. This thread is approved by NotADrunkenThread Enterprise™
  4.  I just proof read....ok. I'm drunk! But I believe my point stands..
  5. I agree the Pervs need to go
  6. I've seen lots of apologize threads......REALLY! I mean REALLY!!! You gotta cry uncle?! MAN UP! Take a bearing and try to give it back! DON'T GIVE UP!
  7. I see random n00bs asking for every 3rd party app available....we should be farming the hell out of them!!!!

  8. Cause they're too small for me to hit. 
  9. Alot of Pervs are noobs, too low to hit
  10. Bro, that's intense.
  11. I'm sorry, but I'm almost embarrassed to say that I play this game...TRUE PIMD PLAYERS!!!!! RISE UP!!! TAKE BACK OUR GAME!! MAKE IT PEDO/PERV FREE!!!!! This is my first iPhone on-line game and I'd like it to be THE BEST ON-LINE GAME EVER!!!!
  12. Now you made me lol.
  13. Agreed DITCH (hi btw) pervs have low starts coz they aren't here to play they are here to annoy people. Ditch is right we need to take Pimd back.
    There has always been pervs but there are a lot more now.
    Pimd has changedit's not like days of oldbut we can bring it back.
    If u get farmed there's probs a good reason js
  14. Thank you bad girl! The lil stat big mouths wish I had a small alt to farm them into submission...but I don't! I am calling on all TRUE PIMD PLAYERS to help the "MOD"s !!!!! Please farm the perverts and pedos that make this game no fun anymore......
  15.  gotta quit the ppl that aren't making this game fun anymore.
  16. I like the idea, but pervs get this game to do, well, pervy things..So they're most likely not going to quit if they loose money, as that's not what they're playing for...
  17. WHAAAAAA! WHAAAAAAA! Terror gets such a bad name....why?! For helping their friends and the pimd community?????? I PERSONALLY SUPPORT TERROR! Any one wanna farm me because if it...... Good luck.
  18. TERROR love u too ditchwe get a bad name for sticking up for friendsrather that than sitting back doing nothing
  19. Indeed. If the other clubs did the same...we'd have the best ATA game. But there is to many butt-hurt ppl....