You obviously hasn't watched it, I can't say more because it would ruin it for others who will go watch it but the part of the fight is amazing. And why would Renesmee have orange hair? Neither Bella or Edward have orange hair.
Twilight in a nutshell GAY No the gay happy but the gay with stupid plot and dumb bitches and "werewolves"that are just oversized dog and fuck vampire that fucking sparkle. What bad ass vampire you know that fucking sparkles. Edward is not fucking scary at all what would he do sparkly me to death
OK!!!! I specifically told you....If you don't like any...Please Just leave the Forum!!! And I don't care if you like Harry Potter....Is this forum asking if you like it?? NO!! So Plz don't do that anymore!! Thanks!!
I stopped watching twilight after the second movie, not my type of movie...If I have to pick then I like The Hunger Games over Twilight. Although I would rather choose Merlin