How to stop this!!!!!!!!

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by *unknown23 (01), Jan 24, 2011.

  1. I know many of these threads have been made but im making one anyways. One that i hope the ra's will see.

    In kaw it's hire me's and volly me's. There is some of that in pimd. But that is not what needs to be stopped. It's these desperate people thinking this is a free dating site.WILL ITS NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!! This game is made for all ages. People don't relieze there are eight year olds playing this. What do you think there gonna do when they see some of these words on wc.

    This needs to stop. Not for just me but for over 3/4 of pimd community. Which is sad to think there are about 500 people looking for girls or guys on this game. The bad part about this is it is growing with every person that downloads ffm/palringo(not alot of people ask with palringo)

    To stop this violence I think we need to ask for a new rule. Actually maybe a couple of rules.

    1. If you post your ffm name on wc or on the forum you should be silenced. This should have always been in effect because it is giving out private info.

    2. Anybody asking for cute guys or girls to add them on ffm becuase they are_______(the blan is an inappropiate word). Small kids play this.

    3. No talking dirty. Again you don't want kids to ask there parents what some of those words mean.
  2. All of this should result in a silence until they get permanently silenced.

    If you support say support. Feel free to post your ideas about this and if you like my ideas tell the ra's. Thankyou.
  3. In other games providing ffm user name is mutable already.

    I disagree with that policy as FFM is really no different then any other chat.

    As long as you don't break the profanity rule and keep your PIMD clean, I will never do anything.

    That is my policy, I can't speak for the others. But I will always wall you after I take action and explain why.

    If you disagree then we can argue on forum or battle it out.
  4. Wat I was trying to mean is not allow people to post there username on wc.
  5. Most people use ffm for non game reasons cursed_soul and thts the point. Yes it's a chat app but 99% of people in cc are just trying to pick up. Therefore u should be silencing these people not just posting warning messages. Just think about it abit more please because u silence enough people the message will get across to the masses
  6. That what I trying to mean. Don't stop ffm for chatting. Just silence the people who use it as a dating site
  7. You can't just blanket one chat app and not ban others. That's stupid.

    That's the difference honestly between me and the guys still playing with bakugan while struggling to manage kids and adults.

    I do not care what ppl do on their own time. Outside of PIMD I'm not holding anyone's limp hand.

    If ppl want a mommy they can go home. This is a game and every game has real rules. I only enforce the real rules. So until you break it or break the spirit of the rules(TOS) we are 100% super fly cool.

    No Profanity ( 2 warnings)
    No explicit requests (2 warning)
    No sexually explicit msg (immediate)
  8. Ppl ask how the hell I got the job. Think of the difference between me and your normal ATA fav mods.

    You have your answer
  9. Curse your a pretty cool ra. Wat Im trying to say is in the game I give you my ffm name on wc I should be silenced for giving out personal info. This applyies to ever chat site not just ffm
  10. Being different doesn't necessarily make u better. I'm not saying u r doing a bad job but some of your ideas dont make sense to me. Personally though I don't really care about the ffm people and others as I dont need to use campus chat and I dont think any of the real players need it either. I very rarely look at campus chat so I dont understand why the people complaining dobt just ignore it. It's not like campus chat is a vital piece of infrastructure in our daily PIMD experience. On the other hand I so empathize with those that do use it alot and can't get a word in or a conversation going because of all the hormones running high by the pimple squeezers. My main concern though is that their are alot of sick people out their and I would bet my life that there are quite a few older perverts pretending to be a young girl or guy simply to get their rocks off from vulnerable adolescents. More dangerous still is if these people ever have the chance to meet their victims in real life. But as I said initially other than that just do yourself a favor and ignore campus chat 
  11. I am but sometimes when your trying to help someone out you can't do it. There just everywhere. But I'm really doing this so younge kids don't get caught in that madness. I agree with u that I should ignore it. And curse your a great ra. Keep up the good work
  12. Will whatever will happen they will never stop
  13. advertise any third-party services or content. That is section h from the tos. Wouldn't ffm be a third party service?along with any other chat program?
  14. People have used palringo etc for a long time and other chats.

    I believe it is wrong to Start enforcing once something becomes inconvenient. Precident already in place.

    Unless I get specific instruction I'm going to continue what I do.

    Others can do what they judge to be fair and proper
  15. But curse if u post your username that is posting out private info
  16. Well there is a difference between usin ffm and pal and advertising it on campus chat along with ur personal user name.
  17. Ya your right pal username is numbers