A lot... Christian man just found dead... Muslim boy just arrested for blah blah, jewish woman caught blah blahing... Etc
I googled it after I saw a collage of pictures of murders with shaira law as its title I don't judge you by your religion at all
It's 5:30 here halimah Op you can't post something like that and not say you dong judge people on their believes...
I'm not being rude to anyone here and I'd appreciate it if y'all weren't so rude to me especially after I've apologized several times
But that's the thing I don't judge people by the religion yeh I may not agree with the religion but that doesn't mean I don't like the people and I'm pretty sure other religions don't agree with Christianity
Of course I'm gonna have a grudge against the terrorists I'm only human but I don't hate the people I just believe they are blinded by evil and hatred of Americans
Not all Muslims are terrorists so everyday muslims that think I am ridiculing them are wrong it's the actions toward I country I'm mad at not the person or religion or race
You know what if you don't like my opinions and views on things then be my guest and get the hell off my thread I'm tired of being nice to people who are just going to continue to be ***holes
You people are ridiculous and deserve every wrong thing that ever happens to you who the hell do y'all think y'all are commenting a bunch of bull**** on my thread that wasn't even meant for you so f*** off
Sweetie get off your high horses... It's not my fault you're completely moronic... You keep having a racist speech even when you're saying you're not racist... Just shut it and get the hell out your thread
I kept my calm and apologized and didn't threaten or say rude things like y'all have done to me and now I'm pissed and don't give a **** what y'all think I'm done with y'all's childish bs its ridiculous
My thread ain't for y'all cuz y'all ain't republicans or Americans or Christians or idiots... Shut up idiot...