Lovely Betrayal

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by -iEmiHaveHimTrippinForDays, Nov 3, 2012.

  1. BUMP! (Am I going to be in it?)
  2. What did it say on the locker ?
  3. gotta wait till the next update to find out
  4. I read books all the time and can't wait to find out what happens but i can wait for this
  6. Bump. Update!  I love cliche storylines. 
  7. Omg update!!!!!!!!
  8. guys im working on it
  9. Here's another update hope you all like it
    Hot tears rolled down my cheeks. I clintched my fist tightly. I was furious. I heard Veronica and therese coming. They stopped and looked at me.

    "Em? Whats-" They began to say.

    Therese read the locker out loud. "Karl is mines Emily. So back off MY man. Love, Ashleen"

    I ran off to the school parking lot. I felt someone grab my wrist. I looked back. It was Karl accompanied by Ashleen.

    "Babe whats wrong?!" He asked with concern.

    "Let go of me!" I yelled at him an pulle out of his grip.

    I bumped into Tate when I turned around. He looked at me with confusion. He touched my shoulders.

    "Emily what happened? Why are you crying?!" He asked

    I looked back. I saw that Karl had walked away with Ashleen. I sighed and looked down. I hugged Tate.

    "Its nothing. Im ok." I told him

    "Your lying. But if you dont wanna tell me thats ok. Im here if you ever need me Em." He said as he hugged me back.

    "Thanks Tate." I said and walked off to my brother Nick's car. Nick lived with my dad along with my sister Julie. But Julie was at college already.

    I got into the car and remained ailent the entire ride home. Nick would take minor glances at me as I looked out the window.

    When i got out the car i got another text from Karl. I was so hesitant to open it. But i did.

    "What the heck is wrong with you? Why did you return the neckless? Its like you hate me now. You need to change. Ashleen doesnt like it either. She thinks your trying to break up with me."

    I said bye to Nick and told him to tell my dad i won't be able to go this weekend. He nodded and drove off. I ran inside the house and up to my room. I tossed my bag into a corner and text Karl back.

    "Whats wrong with me!? Babe whats wrong with you?! You havent been with me at all! For the past 2 days its been all about Ashleen! Its like i don exisit to you!"

    I sent the message and put phone down. He didnt text me back at all. Instead his sister Jo called me.

    "Hey Em." She said

    "Hey Jo." I replied

    "Whats wrong with Karl? He came home today upset." She said

    "Its nothing. Dont worry I'll talk to him ok." I told her

    "Ok hun. I'll talk to you later." She said and we had hung up.

    I laid back. It was getting dark. Veronica and Therese had came over. Bader brought them up to my room and winked at Veronica. I glared at him.

    He walked back down stairs. I greeted the girls and we talked about what had happened today. Therese was furious. Veronica was shocked.

    I remember Bader telling me that he an his girl broke up. I looked at Veronica and started to laugh. She was so confused. Therese caught on ad we just laughed. After awhile we dozed off. I ended up waking up in the middle of the night to someone calling my name. Whose calling me? I thought.
  10. Im updating tonight k guys
  11. =D can't wait for tonight ^.^
  12. It will have to wait
  13. Can I kick some Karl butt? Please
  14. I hope I get to be in it more 
  15. Can I also kick Karl butt???
  16. Why ? I thought this was a pleasant story.
  17. Y can't tonight come faster