Break Up 

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by riri_, Oct 25, 2012.

  1. Bump and update.
  2. Thanks y'all  I'll update asap 
  3. -2 hours later, after lunch-
    -Ashley's pov-

    I got out of the car and closed the door as James parked his blue car. Ugh why did I wear heels? Now I have to stay in these for the rest of the day.

    "Come on Ash" James said, Uh I love him, his been here through all the worst and boring times of my life, why didn't I fall in love with a guy like him but instead I fell for a stupid heartbreaker?

    "Ya" I cheered for his sake, his such a good friend.

    We walked past the car parks and walked towards dark grey door into the club. The music was loud, James turned back and smiled, with his left dimple showing "Let's go" he screamed and grabbed my hand.

    Looking around almost everyone was making out, I looked to the right and saw the bar, I grabbed James head from the back and pulled it.

    "**** Ash, are you trying to kill me?" he argued, I pointed to the par and smirked, "I'll see you later" he smiled and left as I began to walk to the bar.

    I sat on a silver stool and waited for the bartender. He was pretty cute from the back, he had dark brown long hair, tall and tanned.

    "Hello miss, what would you like?" he asked as he walked towards me, he was cute and had a great smile "you" I stated but then broke my straight face as I saw his cheeks turn red "hahahaha I was joking" I couldn't stop laughing, he looked like a tomato.

    All of a sudden a hand grabbed my left shoulder and pulled me back "What are you doing here you stupid ugh" said a girl from behind "ouch" I had failed straight on the ***, and it hurt.

    "What are you doi..." I was cut when I saw the face of the girl, it was Masons younger sister, Melissa.

    "How can you do this" she cried, why is she crying? I got up and tried to touch her shoulder but she moved away and ran outside. ****, I took off my heels and ran towards her.

    "Melissa" I yelled whilst running after her. Soon after she had fallen to her knees and her palms on her face. I walked towards her and put my left palm on her shoulder.

    "Melissa, why are you crying? and what did I do? Your brother was the one who dumped me after me loving him so much" I sobbed...hard.

    "H...he didn't t..tell you" she said whilst taking her hands from her face.

    "Tell me what? He only told me that we shouldn't be together anymore" I sobbed.

    " he" she cried again.

    Dun Dun Duuuuuuun
    btw I think their are some mistakes, cause I'm not really bothered doing it, I just ate so much candy  
  4. update pleaseeee and wall me when it's updated?
  5. Awesome story
  6. Update OMG I'm dying here such a good cliff hanger please read my story Revenge Of The Cold Hearted I would love an amazing writer's feedback
  7. Haha sorry guys, I haven't been able to update  I just got Assassins Creed 3 n I'm addicted hahaha  I'll update ASAP 
  8. OMG I do remember u I used to read ur story's toobtw I updated my storyglad you like it
  9. -10 mins later- -Ashleys pov-

    I can't believe this, this bloody idiot, why didn't he just tell me. I guess he didn't want me to be over upset so he broke up with me.

    Tears were rushing down my eyes whilst I was rushing to the hospital


    " he" melissa cried again.

    "Come on Melissa, I dont have all day, just tell me" I cried

    "tha....tha...that he has c...can...cancer " she finally said. My heart began to beat faster, my breathing became heaver, and I found myself running to the only hospital in town whilst Melissa was shouting my name from behind.

    -end of flashback-

    I finally reached the hospital, I probably looked like a mess but I didn't care, I walked into the main entrance and walked to a nurse, who looked disgusted at me.

    "What room is Mason Mathews in?" I said whilst rubbing my tears "Sorry but only family members can see him" she smirked. This ugh "I am his family, his my fiancé...was my fiancé."

    "I'm sorry but I can't let you go in" she said again, I looked at her and was about to get angry but I saw another doctor walking past and ran to him.

    "I'm so sorry, but do you know which room Mason Mathews is in?" I asked whilst crying. "Are you Ashley?" he doctor asked, **** how does he know my name....stupid Mason, he probably told them not to let me in.

    "Uh no, I'm Melissa.....his sister" I bluffed. "Oh okay, but you don't look like him" I cut him off "Yeah, we have different mothers" I faked a smile.

    We walked into a hallway and then stopped in front of a door which had the number "23" placed on it. "Here we are Ms Mathews, and don't worry he is in a stable condition" he smiled lightly.

    "T..thank you" I said whilst opening the door and closing it behind me. I walked closer to Masons bed and sat on the brown chair near the bed.

    I placed my fingers on his and rested my head on his arm "you idiot, you know I still love you...even though all the things you made me go through...don't ever leave me" I cried and eventually fell asleep.