Warped Wonderland

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by -Miss_Author_Shana_Alana-, Sep 15, 2012.

  1. Update! Sorry it's taken so long!
    Chapter 19

    I talk with Casey, Michael and Bell, Chess over my shoulder and Blood over Bell's. We know that we need to take over the Red castle.

    "Well, I agree with Bell," Casey says, pointing at a map of the Red castle provided by Sylvia. "But where is the best place to sneak in. Alice will have to go alone to slaughter Lils."

    "I don't slaughter," I murmur, leaning on Chess. His arms are around my waist, obviously claiming me. Michael is glaring at him while Blood is staring at me. I'm getting way too much attention.

    "Well, you will have to, Alice. If you don't, she'll kill you," Bell says. She looks back at Blood and catches him staring at me. She snaps her fingers in front of his face and he blinks, not moving his eyes away from me.

    "Blood, pay attention," Bell says sternly. He nods, still watching me.

    "Well, I can show Alice where. I've wandered the castle for years. It should be easy," Michael says.

    "Excellent. Now, everyone is trained, right?" Casey asks Blood and Bell.

    "Yes," they both say. Casey nods and pushes the map into a pocket.

    "Who can take birds-eye-view?" Bell says. She looks around at the small group.

    "I can. Anyone else want to volunteer?" I ask.

    "I will," Chess, Michael, and Blood say instantly. I just nod. Then I think.

    "Phero," I whisper. I hear that shriek and I smile. It lands between the group trainees and our small group. I climb on it's back and pull Chess up with me. It rises and takes Blood and Michael in its claws.

    "And," I say. I'm yelling for everyone to hear. "Gather your weapons and march to the Red castle. Prepare for war!" The phero sheiks and rises higher, soaring into the sky. Chess nuzzles his head into my neck, keeping his eyes averted from the ground again. As we fly, I remember what Morrigan said, that Sylvia was a Seer. I want to know what's about to happen.

    I grip onto the phero, murmuring a sorry as my sight blackens and a new sight enters my field of vision.

    I see myself and Michael, him dragging me by my wrist. Words form on my lips as Michael hisses something in my ear and slaps his hand on my mouth to keep me quiet. Is Michael going to kidnap me?

    The scene changes. I see Chess, Blood, Bell, and everyone except Michael and myself. They're are fighting, except for Chess words are coming from his mouth and he walks into a shady area full of bushes and trees, leaving the others and the fight being. I seem to follow him as he starts running. He is dying to see something. Then, something reaches out and grabs him, yanking him away.

    "Alice," I hear. "Alice. Alice!"

    "What?!" I exclaim, blinking as my sight returns.

    "We're about to land," Chess says into my ear, his voice shaking slightly. I nod, thinking about what I say.

    "Chess, can do me a favor?" I ask as the phero land on the red walkway, placing Michael and Blood down before the big guy crushes them. To be honest, I wouldn't feel so bad if the guy crushes Michael.

    "What?" he asks, sliding off of the phero.

    "No matter how many times I call your name in the next hour or so, do not follow, alright?" I say, sliding off with Chess's help.

    "Why would you say that?" he asks.

    "I'm a Seer. Remember? I see something bad happening to you if you follow. Just, don't. If you love me as much as I love you, you won't follow," I say.

    "But, Aliceー"

    "No buts! I don't want you to get hurt." I kiss him gently.

    "Alright," he groans and I smile, knowing I've won. I look up at the Red castle, watching the Infected pour out of the castle. I walk into the place I saw in my Sight and head through before Michael can catch up to me. Something, I know, is going to go very wrong.
    What's gonna happen?
  2. Here is an update!
    Chapter 20

    "Hey," I hear, causing me to yelp loudly, glaring at my twin's silver and green eyes.

    "What the fuck, Michael?" I grumble as I stop walking.

    "Potty mouth." He laughs and he places his hand on my arm. I swear he was heading for my wrist and decided against it. "I'm here to show you where you are to go."

    "Why are you talking like that?" I ask, backing towards my location, Michael releasing his grasp on my arm but still following me.

    "Like what, my dearest sister?" He has a creepy-ass grin on his face and I now realize that his eyes are glazed over. Something's not right. Something is totally wrong.

    "Michael..." I back into a tree, cornered.

    He grabs my wrist and leans in, whispering, "Alice, let's go meet your new queen."

    "No!" I exclaim and rip my wrist out of his grip and start running. He's suddenly in front of me, gripping my wrist and running. His grip is awfully tight. And then I start yelling.

    "Chess!" I call, trying to yank my wrist out of Michael's grip. "Cheshire!"

    "Alice, I'm sorry about this but I'm either going to have to knock you out or kill you now. Knock you out is easier and it goes with Lillian's demands." He pulls me towards him and he shoves me into a tree, my brain rattling in my skull as I hit the tree. I see Michael walk to me, saying something as my vision goes black.
    I groan, knowing that now I am awake. I try to stand, but my feet feel tied together. So are my hands. I blink and open my eyes, a headache settling in. I hear talking and I see red.


    Red! Lillian's castle!

    "Michael, you are dead!" I say. I'm yelling and I sit up, pissed off.

    "Ah, my lively young girl. Don't be so upset. He only does as told," I hear a voice say. It's a horribly high pitched voice. Then she groans, the voice different. "Too high?"

    "Indeed. I would go with a different voice. She would have killed you earlier," I hear. Michael. That bastard!

    "Michael, when I get my hands and feet untied, I swear that I will strangle you like you tried to towards Chess! Except I am going to finish the job!" My teeth are gritted as I look at the Red Queen. Her head is quite...tall. It's in the form of what should be a crown. Her eyes are blood red, as are her clothes and lips. Her hair, at one point, must have been red as well. Poor lass, her hair has fallen out. It must have been quite beautiful, I must admit.

    "Poor dear," Lillian says, smirking. "Someone misses her lover."

    "Cheshire is not my lover," I lie, my teeth gritted still.

    "Alice, quit declining it. Everyone knows about you two. Kissing, hugging, everything is obvious."

    "We haven't kissed or hugged. If we hugged, it was a friendly gesture, you son of a bitch. Why are you even bringing this up?! Why did you betray me? I swear, I should have let them hang you!" I feel my strength bubble up and I close my eyes. The angrier I get, the more strength I get.

    "I didn't betray you; Alice, you trusted me. Totally different concept."

    "I fucking doubt it, you son of a bitch! You hurt Chess on more than on occasion, you betrayed me and my friends! How could you? Oh, wait, I forgot, you are a Red Supporter!" I finally yank my wrists apart along with my ankles and I grab the bottle of Infected blood from the pocket.

    "This is the blood of an Infected! I will pour it down my throat if you don't let me go. And with that, I will keep all three crowns," I say, opening the bottle, a smell making me want to gag flowing from the bottle.

    "You're bluffing," Lillian says, grabbing a hatchet I didn't see earlier and slowly walking towards me.

    "Watch me," I say. She takes another step. "Your loss, Lillian Harriet Margret Newman." I close my eyes and the liquid is flowing down my throat. I want to die. Oh, wait, I am.

    "No!" is the last thing I hear before I am fully Infected.
    What do you think will happen to Lillian, Michael, and Infected Alice?
  3. Another update!
    Chapter 21
    In General POV

    "Why did you not search the girl, you blasted boy?!" the woman says, her voice high, anger flooding her face.

    "I hand no idea she had pockets, My Queen. I thought that she was unarmed and helpless; but her powers like mine are an exception," the Moon Twin says, emotion lost from his voice.

    "Just take the girl to the dungeons. Put her in a cell, she shouldn't leave." Michael, also known as Grey to Big Head, nods and takes the girl, her skin a sickly green and a dark red. He walks with her, slowly heading towards the dungeons.
    She could hear them. And as she walks with her twin, she is very aware of the cake in her pocket. She'll get out of the dungeons, find Lillian, tell her that she will die, eat the cake, and easily kill her. It should work.

    She walks slowly into the cell, watching her brother slightly shut it.

    "I'm sorry, Alice. It's the only I can keep you from doing anything. I don't think you can hear me, but I will say this: your lover will die by my hand."

    If she could, she would have caught her breath. But she hasn't a heartbeat. Which means she doesn't need to breathe. He walks away, Alice seething with rage. She opens the cell door and walks out, going the way to the room she was in. It had a terrace, like her own.

    She pushes open a door after door, finding nothing but empty rooms. When she pushes open a door on the uppermost floor, she sees Lillian.

    "Grey, what is it again?" she says, turning. She growls as she sees Infected Alice. "What are you doing here? You should be in your cell."

    "No," Alice says slowly, her voice raspy and foreign. "This is time for your death." She slowly pulls the cake out of her pocket and shoves it in her mouth. Slowly, her skin shifts from the sickly green and dark red of her Infected self. When she stands tall, glaring at Lillian, she smirks.

    Alice's POV

    I smirk at Big Head, letting her know that I'm back to normal. I raise my hand and think about what Lillian looked like. Red hair, beautiful face, her head round and petite. I hear a loud "No!" as Lillian is rewound. When I open my eyes, Lillian is what I saw, the red crown on her head.

    "Lillian, it's sad that you, of all people, are beautiful," I growl, grabbing a gun from the table by the bed. She drops her hatchet that she had in her hand, lunging at me.

    "Mercy, Alice, that's all I want," she says, her voice sweet and soft unlike the one she spoke with earlier.

    "Of course. Just give me the crown," I say, gun pointed at her. She just nods, reaching for her crown. She hands in to me, her hands shaking terribly. I smile and take from her hands and place it on my head. Something shakes. I realize it's the castle.

    No, the land.

    Oh, no! Who will die? Should Lillian? Michael?
  4. Time for an update!
    Chapter 22

    I grip onto the bed as I see colors change slowly. As I look outside, I see everyone fighting, oblivious to the quaking earth. As the earth settles, I see the colors in my Sight. Blue, red, black, and white. I run with graceful speed as I rewind the Infected and as I get outside to cease the fighting. When I get there, I see the Infected and our army looking at me intently.

    "Let's do a little rewinding," I say, raising my hand as Infected quickly slips from their skin to their human skin. I see two people still fighting tooth and nail against each other. Chess and Michael. I direct my hand towards them and Chess is by my side in seconds.

    "Alice!" Chess exclaims, eyes wide in shock. He hugs me and he's grinning like an idiot.

    "Alice?! I thought you were..." Michael starts, eyes wide.

    "Infected?" I finish. "I was, until I ate some...cake." I glance at Blood and he smiles. I look at back at Michael, his face red with anger.

    "This will not happen!" Michael says, yelling angrily. "I am the rightful ruler! This should be mine!"

    "You are just mad with power," I say, glaring at him.

    "I won't have it!" he screams and runs towards me with little power. Everything is now in slow motion. Michael is sprinting towards me. Chess is standing in front of me. Michael has a dagger in his hand, Chess with his spear. I watch them stare at each other as one charges at the other. Then I see him fall. There is something in his back, blood seeping into his clothes.

    An ax.



    "Lillian?!" I hear Bell snarl angrily.

    "At ease, Isabelle!" I call, walking towards Lillian.

    "Alice." Casey says sternly.

    "Hush, Casey. Now, thank you, Lillian. But, this doesn't change anything. You will still receive severe punishment."

    "Of course, My Queen," she says, that sweet voice filled with regret.

    "Refer to me as Alice. And I will see to it that you are building everything; you will build all of the buildings by hand. Do you understand me?"

    "Of course, Alice." She bows, her light brown hair flowing onto her face. It's strange how someone can change so much with so little being done.

    "And that won't be all. Know that. But, I have to go."

    "What?! Alice, please, no," Chess' happy face has turned upside down. "You can't. You have a kingdom to enforce."

    "I know, Chess. But, I have to leave. I have family. I have solos. I have so much to do," I say, reaching up to take off the crown.

    "Ali! Please stay!" the twins say in unison. This causes me to look at their small, sweet faces.

    "Alice, please," Chess says. His voice is a whisper. "I love you. You can't go. Not now. Not after all we've been through."

    "Really?" I ask.

    "That's right, you can't..." he starts. I interrupt him with, "You really love me?" He nods and I look at everyone, them watching me. What do I do?
    One more update! And then it will be the end.
  5. Here is the last update, lovelies!

    "Alice!" I hear. My eyes spring open and I yank my gun from under my pillow, pulling the hammer back and my finger on the trigger.

    "Whoa, relax sweetheart," Chess says, a small grin playing upon his face. He thinks that it's funny that now that I'm a queen, I'm under so much stress that I'm a light sleeper. I think it's funny when I slap it off of his face when I'm so pissed.

    "Chess," I breath, slowly sliding my gun under my pillow. "What is it?"

    "Everything is complete. I thought that you'd like to see everything. Outside, it's lit up." He smiles as I stand from my bed, walking to the terrace. He's right. Everything is bright like day. An amusement park has been built on my command. The four sisters have a palace of their own, Lillian still on probation. Bell is the head of law enforcement. Morrigan and Sylvia are trying to figure out what to do with their lives: join Bell, or join Blood, our new casino director.

    "Looks great," I smile. I have allowed myself to be known as the queen of the kingdom, Chess to be my king. Him and I are going to get married sometime soon. Michael's body is buried next to the castle. Dee and Dum live with Chess and I, running around, arguing. Such wonderful children bring out my motherly instinct.

    Casey has receded to the forest, as she always has. My memory is now full intact. Bell was only thirteen when I came about. I remember Michael and I running from our older sister and slipping down the rabbit hole. Pete greeted us coldly and almost killed us on sight. Blood was there with Chess, stopping the rabbit.

    "Doesn't it?" he says, pulling me into his arms.

    "Absolutely beautiful," I reply, leaning into him. The sky is black, the moon in the sky. The moon. Silver and bright. I remember his eyes, shifting that color, lighting up the room he would be standing in.

    "I need to sleep. I have another big day tomorrow," I say, pulling out of my cat's grip and walking over to my bed.

    "You need a break," he says as I straighten my crown. It finally came off my head the night Mikey died. Everything has changed for the better. And, since Lillian has taken away her crown, she's been kinder.

    "I need to rest," I say, taking my gun from under my pillow and slowly easing the hammer from its ready position.

    "Fine. Night, my lovely queen," he says, kissing me.

    "Night, my sweet king," I reply, lying down. He places a hand on my stomach, already wishing for a child already.

    "Soon, love," I say, patting his hand.

    In the end, I've said that this castle is mine, I am going to marry Cheshire Catz, my name to still be Liddell. I am going to help protect the world I now know.

    I am Alice Liddell, queen of Wonderland. And this is my life. The life I have forgotten, remembered, made memories, and now am leading on memories for the newer people of my lands.
    Hope y'all liked reading this story as much as I loved to write it! I'm going to start a new story and I'm hoping that you read it along with my other story Death's Child.
  6. I LOVE IT!!!!!!!
  7. This story is so awesome! Nice work! 
  8. I remember this. BUMP.