The long wait is over! I have the official list of nominees. Have you got your voting ballots ready? Will you win? Or will you fall behind and become a fleeting memory of the awards . WARNING Just a couple things, I understand that people's names have changed. I'm sorry if I didt put your new name.. I tried. I know that some people have quit, but they were on this list so I have to put them. It is still their award. The couples.. Well the explanation is below. Good luck. Enjoy. Have fun. Be nice. Rules: You are allowed a maximum of 3 votes per category You must post your list. 1 list is counted as one vote (even if you leave one category out) No more adding of people, they will not count. Please no grudges, bypassing, ToU breaking on any of these threads. Class hoe: Royale Beansie_Luvs_TA -Alan- Goldialocks Best eyes: -SIN-SWEET_MISTRESSMAKER Starz -CrazyCookieCrapper- QueenNina --Trissy-- Monazita Jodie Best hair: Danzo Carebear_Crystalsparrow Nicest person: TheKandyBear -SIN-SPIKEY-WIKEY j31 Shan-Monster -CrazyCookieCrapper- My-dorm-name Nicest Forumer- TheKandyBear JADA Goldialocks Halimah Meanest Forumer Goldialocks JADA Hermes J0PO Halimah Animal lover I-Love-Oreo-Pie Carebear_Crystal-Sparrow JADA Best couple: (yes I know some of the couples may be broken up by now) -SIN-SPIKEY-WIKEY Mrs-Captain-Flo-Sparrow Carebear_Crystal-Sparrow Perseus KyleOBrian -SexyStrawberry () Kandy _Warrior -_-Sunshine-_- CrazyCookieCrapper CJS Justin-Time SexyStrawberry Beans -PiMdNigHTMare- Iammegan IceShardz Charlotte Ann Biggest nerd: Ramen-Noodles CJS T3X45_State KingCal Justin-Credible my-dorm-name MrBigls -PBM2- Best Forumer: _Warrior CJS -UI-Uchiha-Sasuke White_Sparrow Cutest: Mrs_Captain-Flo-Sparrow Pereus -CrazyCookieCrapper- QueenNina -TerryGoziBear- KingCal Rockstar_Purple Wandering-_-Penguin Best Would Be couple: SexyStrawberry beans Kandy Desii Rockst1003 OG-giren Most Self Absorbed: TheSlenderMan Quanch33 Biggest Bully: -T_L-MudcatTucker Kandy CJS Biggest Noob: Gonzo Starz123 SexualHarrasmentPanda Worst Forumer: -Cheerleader(For being obsessed with Hermes) Jose LadiesTextMe Best Mod/RA:✏ j31 RONNY Spiny Ski Mindy DarkRose43 my-dorm-name Fallingstars Riccena That's all. These are out nominees. - Excuse the mistakes
Nicest Person TheKandyBear Nicest Forumer TheKandyBear Meanest Forumer Goldia/Jopo Best Couple IceShardz and CharlotteAnne Biggest Nerd CJS Best Forumer CJS/Warrior Cutest Goldia (I know she's not on this list but she's way cuter than any of the nominees ) Biggest Bully CJS Biggest Noob Gonzo Best Mod DarkRose. Obviously.
Wait what?! ONLY ONE NOMINATION FOR A PERFECTION LIKE ME?! I don't undersand... ._. And I never happen not to understand something. But well, I guess this escaped from my infinite knowledge.