the Walmart game

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -_A_-Jesse, Oct 25, 2012.

  1. xD Pregnancy test, rope and sleeping pills.
  2. Energy drinks, hand lotion and smokes! Haha
  3. Lubricant
    Teletubbies dvd
  4. Hunger Games Movie
    A Bow and Arrows
    A GPS
  5. Lots of Bleach, a hunting knife, and rope. True story, it was fucking cold outside so we skinned the deer inside the closed garage with heaters...had to be there while she called her manager over to approve that sale for the knife to see her face too!
  6. Rope, body bag and strong tape 
  7. Lax stick,lax ball, me da boss
  8. I'm a cashier at wamart and I have seen some freaky stuff lol. But the weridest would be lube condoms and enema.... :/ by two guys and they were asking m questions about it...
  9. Rope, butchers knife, towels
  10. Rope, shovel, mask
  11. Tampons if cashier is a guy lots of tampons and chocolate and a BOOK on how too get RID of ur guy while your monthly is visting lol
  12. Underwear
    Lip stick
  13. Candy
    Van cleaning manual 
  14. A cucumber
    KY intense
    An Obama mask
  15. A bicycle pump, a large bottle of body oil, and the largest tub of pudding
  16. a live fish, gas and a box of matchs
  17. Shovel, biggest knife available, and ski mask
  18. Duct tape, lube and bananas
  19. Forgot the lube part. Mayonnaise works too 