Halloween Tales.

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by DarkRose1908, Oct 20, 2012.

  2. LE bump 
  3. Here's a scary story:

    Once upon a time...

    I had an Oreo...

    The best Oreo in the whole world...

    Then a demon possessed my Oreo...

    And my Oreo dipped me in milk and ate me.
  4. That's scray
  5. My most creative Halloween costume: two years ago, a couple of my friends and I dressed as contestants on Nickelodeon GUTS. Anyone remember that? Three competitors completed a series of physical challenges that all culminated in climbing the Agro Crag. Awesome game show. There was a purple one, a blue one, and a red one. I got to be purple. [: we painted helmets and personalized them with our names. We used felt and long sleeved shirts to make our own tops. We pretty much made our entire set of costumes. It was amazing.
  6. Love you and this thread 
  7. Buuuuuump
  8. We don't have Halloween here so last year I attended my very first Halloween party...
    I went dressed up as Chell from Portal 
    The people who knew who I was thought it was awesome but I did spend a lot of the time explaining my costume to people who didn't know who she was :-/
    I'm trying to decide my costume for this year... I keep changing my mind
  9. Last year my daughter got me mad. So this is what she woke up to Halloween morning

  10. This is what the witch looks like....

  11. I was Slash from G'n'R once.  Won first place in a Halloween costume contest. 
  12. When I was 5 i took one of my white blankets and pined it to my head with a white headband. I wore my white night gown and carried around a naked baby wrapped in cloths. I went as the virgin Mary  I was very proud of my costume compared to my brothers king kong one. After like ten minutes he had to take his off be cause he was over heatin  guess who got more candy!
  13. Nice witch Reese  it looks scary 
  14. I always used to get the best treats ever! They used to give me everything king size and some would give me money!
    I haven't been trick or treating last year but I know what I am doing this year! Ehehehe!!!
  15. love Halloween 
  16. Can someone give me advice on how to get Halloween stuff for my showcase?