Knock Knock

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *stay_classy--- (01), Oct 19, 2012.

  1. lmao kris! I love it!!
  2. People just don't listen
  3. Damn straight they don't
  4. Ah ah ahh I wouldn't do that if I were you...
  6. UPDATED!!

    Lexi's POV

    "Babe..stop" Tristan said grabbing my arm

    "If you friend's life was in danger. Would you "stop"?" i said pulling my arm away.

    "No..but STOP NOW!"

    "NO I WONT!" i said slapping him.

    He was shocked. He was rubbing face.

    I walked up to him and slapped him harder.

    "Does that answer you?" i questioned.

    "no..i don't need you to be in danger."
    He said rubbing his cheek.

    I put on a gun holster and was putting bullets in my gun when I turned and pointed it at him cause I was cleaning it.

    " should watch where you point that thing." he said with his hands up.

    "Ohh calm down the safety is on." i said pointing it at Tristan.

    "See look" i said as I pulled the trigger.

    I..I guess the safety wasn't on. Tristan lied there motionless without a heartbeat.

    "Don't try to stop me." i said grabbing extra bullets and running out the door.

    I sat in my car and looked at a picture of me kris and angi.

    "Im coming" i said while peeling out.
  7. I THOUGHT I WAS GONNA HANG HIM NOT SHOOT HIM?! but he's dead! So that's okay! UPDATE KRIS
  8. I was going to hang him..but i didnt know how to put it in with the story
  9. YAH DIE TRIS DIE!!!! I HATE U!!!! Update!!!! :D
  10. i knoww right! I KILLED HIM ON PURPOSE!
  12. Yesh! He's dead!! GOOD JOB LEXI!
  13. Eh Ima update tomorow