The Stalker From the Past

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by -Treasure-, Oct 19, 2012.

  1. No I not u made me
    Wimp out and let liz go
  2. UPDATE!

    (still Tristan's POV)

    I heard the scream again and got worried. I kept trying to escape the chains.

    Hannah was my 12 year old sister. We got along really well. I would do anything to keep her alive.

    I then heard one last scream and gun shot. I stopped struggling. I knew she was dead. There was nothing I could do.

    It was about 9Pm I started getting hungry. Allan entered the room.
    "Where's Hannah?!" I hissed
    "dead! Nothing you can do now! Your next, Tristan!" He smirked.

    I rolled my eyes and hung my head. I felt like I was already dead. No body was gonna save me any time soon...
    Grace's POV

    We decided go back to the house. We were out side of the Ware house on Concord Place. It took about 30 minutes to get back to my house. On the way I looked behind me and Angi disappeared.

    Once we got there we packed a safety kit. With things inside such as, water, band aids, knives, guns, tape, rope, etc.

    We were going back to the Warehouse to kill Allan.
  3. Update! Update! Update!
  4. UPDATE!! Getting hot 

    Tristan's POV

    I escaped from the chains when Allan wasn't looking and ran as fast as I could to get out of there.

    I ran down the street and ran into Grace, Liz, and Kristen. I was scared though....
    Grace's POV

    We ran down the street towards the warehouse when ran into Tristan. Where was he this whole time?

    Before we say anything, Kristen opened the bag and pulled out a knife and tackled Tristan to the ground. Liz and I ran to them and tried pulling her off.... But while we tried pulling her off.....

    What did 5 year old Kristen do to Tristan? 
  5. omg!? What did she doo!? Stop leaving these updates on cliff hangers! I am gonna be up all night thanks to you tonight!
    Yours sincerely
    #no.1 fan
  7. In real life I would be wearing stab proof clothing, I am a prince don't forget, all my clothes are stab/bullet proof!
  8. Or both...
  9. Lol and no the cliff hangers are fun!! And shall find out
  10. See Lexi! That's why you shouldn't bring him into a story..He just HAS to bring in how he is a prince..which i dont believe!
  12. UPDATE! And idk mom... you might have just gave me an idea!

    Kristen stabbed Tristan. She stabbed him several times in the gut, heart and forehead.

    I broke down beside Tristan crying my head off. Liz had pulled kris off of Tristan. My boyfriend was dead....
    Because off Kris! What did he do to her? Why would she kill him?! WHYY?!

    Liz took off her jacket and put it over Tristan's face. I still sat there crying. Kris had an evil smile on her face. Kristen is evil...

    I got up and picked up Kris and walked to Aunt aly's house. I was still crying but when she opened the door I gave her kris and said, "Do NOT let this killer out of your sight!" and I walked away.

    I made my way back home. Once I got inside, I shrugged and walked up stairs and Into my room. When I got in there I took my shoes off and my jacket leaving a trail to the bed. I flopped down face first in the bed and sighed. "My own little sister, killed my boyfriend.." I thought to myself.

    I heard Liz walk in and sit on the bed beside me. I didn't look up.
    "I called May and Karl over." She said as she played with my hair.
    I sat up and looked at her. "Why do you think Kris would want to kill Tristan?" I asked exhausted.
    "Maybe because she finds him annoying?"
    "What? She doesn't find him annoying! I talked to her about it yesterday!"
    "That's not what she told me."
    "Well I have a plan to kill Alla-"

    I was cut off by knocking on the front door.
    "I got it." Liz said as getting up and going down stairs.

    I laid back and stared at the ceiling thinking about Tristan.

    May and Karl come in and sit on the bed next to me, along with Liz.
    "I heard about Tristan. You okay?"
    May asked.
    "I Don't Know, I love him May! He was always here when I needed him."

    I felt something lay down next to me and whisper in my ear, "I love you, I will always be In here!" I felt a poke where my heart is. I smiled.

    "What?!" Karl asked.
    I replied with one word, "Tristan!"

    I smiled wide and I couldn't stop! My heart was full of Joy. I knew Tristan was here with me!

    Is she earing/feeling things or is Tristan really there? It. Could be stress....
  14. 0.0 no no no tris must be dead -.-
  15. I has disappeared -fades away in the darkness-