A ghost! No, it's just little Oreo For all of the newbies here, I used to be an active forumer. No, not one of those people who made useless threads saying "I'm silenced", "Screw you mods". I tried to HELP forums. So I come back on today, and see the Active Topics page... Not a pretty sight. Forums, believe it or not, was BETTER than what it is now. It was still bad though, because people even complained that it couldn't get any worse. I GUESS THEY WERE WRONG. Now I see "IM SILENCED UNSILENCE ME OR I KILL YOU" or "SCREW YOU MODS YOU SUCK AT YOUR JOB" (I exaggerated the titles a bit, but you get the picture). To the people that made those threads: SHUT UP. COMPLAINING DOESN'T HELP YOU. Like seriously. I can't stand you people. You block up forums with useless threads that usually end with a lock and you getting another silence and/or forum ban. K bye.
Wb Oreo. A mod was raging in campus and not doing his/ her job right. Pretty sight watching everyone freaking out. Chaos campus