It was the roar of the crowd that gave me heartache to sing.

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *_Neon-Ninja_ (01), Oct 17, 2012.

  1. "And lastly this song was requested by the groom for his lovely wife" i cleared my throat before the music started playing. I sang 'All about you' by McFly. After i was hurried off the stage and my Auntie, the bride, approached me with her newly wedded husband.
    "Thanks for doing that song for me Casey" said Sam, my now uncle.
    I nodded and they walked away, my parents were both on their second or third glass of wine. Bree, one of Sam's children with his first wife, walked right up to the big docking station and hooked up her 3rd generation iPod touch, oh did i mention i hate her, she flicks on one of One Directions songs. I hate them. She knows i hate them. She has all their CDs just to annoy me. I walked out the room and found the stairs leading up to the next floor. I plonked my self down on them and pulled out my iPod.

    Headphones in, My Chemical Romance blasting now and loud, happy as ever.

    I sat there for a bit humming along as my parents slowly got drunker and drunker, well probably anyway. Then some bright blue converse stood in front of me. I pulled out my left earphone and looked up at him. He had black skinny jeans and a white t-shirt on and his black hair was just a mess on the top of his head, covering his face, a good looking mess though.
    "Hey Dan" i said gesturing him to sit next to me.
    He sat down and said "God they have some bad music taste in there"
    "Tell me about it, you're not the one related to half the weirdos in there!" i said loudly but not too loud so anyone heard. Dan, well his real name is Dante but i just call him Dan, is my best friend. He is a year and some months older than me but i don't care.
    "Unluckyy!" he said punching my arm.
    "But i have you eh? Gotta be lucky there at least" i said punching him back.
    "Yeah i suppose." he took my iPod from my jumper pocket and said "What ya listening to?" although he could clearly see as his eyes were fixed to the screen of my iPod. He picked up the earphone i didn't have in my left ear and stuck it in his. "Drowning lessons, nice" he said turning the volume up.
    "Well... You know me..."
  2. Intrigued ^-^ update!!
  3. Love it. Music fan myself and hate 1D. Bump and update!
  4. MY CHEMICAL ROMAAAAAAANNNCCEEEEEE  Yet another amazing story Casey. Are you going to carry on with your other one?
  5. Love this story