
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by ss--SexyVanessa--ss, Oct 17, 2012.

  1. Hunlee what u know ???
    Plz elaborate 
  2. MG  miss u too 
    Looks like a farewell thread of mine 
  3. hunkee 
  4. MG  miss you too 
  5. Dotta star 
    Mommy giving "" face in forums too 
  6. 
  7.  Wah! So my family is more or less related? 
  8. Hunlee i wont quit 
    Sorry though !
  9. Woooohooooo 
    Star get back to club 
    Miss u 
  10.  lmao 
  11.  lmao 
  12. Nah. Not going back till tmr 
  13.  love the way you lie 
  14.  nice song to describe her.
  15. Dotta star  stop bullying her 
    Let us forgive her  we will give her a chance to regret 
  16.  wait wait. One more thing. Vanessa join this club called it's a beautiful lie it suits u.
  17.  Star 
    Well we shud create one for her  we have drained her already 