What is the Thing that you like most about yourself?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Anastasia_McDreamy, Oct 17, 2012.

  1. I like that I have a nose. I like my nose because without it, I'd look like Lord Voldermort... Or at least, the female version with hair. Not that there's anything wrong with being noseless... i just have an issue with Lord Voldermort... Y HE HAV TO GET DUMBLEDORE KILLED??!
  2. My humour ... mostly ununderstood by northen American people.
  3. My hair  cause I'm vain like that 
  4. My ultra epic Ninja-like clumsiness
  5. My hands, they are very good fill-ins for chicks if you know what I mean 
  6. My humor I guess.
  7. My body, face and intelligence. Thank god i'm pretty and smart.
  8. My Bootay 
  9. My talent in acting 
  10. My intelligence. 

    And my ability to do sassy hair flips. 
  11. my innocence 
    you know that Ana 
  12. My randomness
  13. Glenn
  14. Samee
  15. Kriz, totally. It's sticking out like a sore thumb. I meant arse.(_|_)
  16. Well my family
  17. My eyes and legs.