Love Me. (Most-Likely an One-Shot)

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *AngelSweets (01), Oct 12, 2012.

  1. Roger was in the army
    His favorite line : Come At Me Bro
    And he has abs 
  2. Roger -Dodges the shot, kisses Princess, and takes off running-
  3. ABS!? Me likie:)
  4. I know right! 
    8 - pack 
  5. I'm fanning my self lol
  6. I love how I'm her best friend hehe
  7. Run, boy. RUN!! Haha u sexy human being!!
  8.  Yeahhh. We shall look at pics of his abs!
  9.  Were such pervs.
  10. That needs to happen
  11. Hey if guys can be pervs then we have a right to
  12. Not pervs jus..... a lover of sexy men haha
  13.  Of sexy men with abs.
  14. Lol yeas abbs !!)
  15. Exactly!! Not pervs!! :)
  16. This is highly entertaining to read lol