Awsome news! We decided to scrap the last update! I told em what happened and they said we could go ahead with our other idea anyway, they prefered it. We'll right two updates now
Chapter 2 "Welcome to my resteraunt Commander." Percyous said as he bowed to the man wearing a steel chestplate and leggings with a one handed sword clasped to his belt. On his head he wore a steel helm and a red cape fluttered behind him as he walked past Percyous and towards a table. Percyous stood up and followed him as the group of soilders who had been travelling with the commander stood at attention near the door. The Commander sat at a table and leaned back as Percyous stoped infront of him. "What would you like to-" Percyous began to ask the commander but was cut off, "Cut the crap Percy, you got some small time idiot trying to form a clan here don't you?" A look of surprise quickly covered then left percyous' face before he pulled out a chair opposite the commander and replied. "Hunter, you come into my resteraunt repeatedly, why would I take the chance of harbouring some idiot criminal when you could easily find him?" "I hear Angel killed a knight in a town not too far from here. Last she was seen he was with her. I know she's here Percyous. And you have two choices, hand over the criminal, or I arrest and execute him AND angel for rising agianst the government. Your call." as he said this Hunter took of his helmet and ran his right hand through his curly black hair, "Your choice." Percyous remained calm as he leaned foreward and whispered "The madam would not associate herself with scum like some clan-leader. For a Warlord you sure do seem dumb to think I would allow that to happen. You know me well enough to know I take my job seriously." for a few seconds there was silence, then Hunter let out a chuckle that echoed through the room then said "You are right, I do know you. I know you well enough to know you won't pass an oppurtinity to get free ale." "You're right, I won't. Waiter! Wine! Now!" Percyous managed to get the attention of a waiter as he said that. When the wine arrived hunter and Percyous both raised their bottles and toasted, "Cheers." they said in unison. However both watched the other as if they were enemies, each ready to attack, defend, and kill.
"I still don't understand why he came in person for some small fry." Percyous said as he watched Hunter and his soilders march away down the road. "Oh well," He shrugged as he turned then walked through a fake stone wall that opened into the rooms that were rented out. Explenation:The Resteraunt was built on half the hill, however the other half was converted into different rooms so that an inn could also be run out of the resteraunt and extra money could be made. For the doors there are fake stone walls and outside the rooms are railings that border off the two sides of the hill. The border is see through on one side so those at the inn can see what's happening in the resteraunt. Percyous walked ignored the stairs and walked straight to the base and therefore the biggest room in the mountin. He pulled a key from a pocket and inserted it into the wall then turned. He then proceeded to walk through the wall and into a simple room with a bed and desk agianst one side, the bathroom on another side in a seperate room, and an a small table and chair agianst the other wall. All of the furniture was made out of simple wood and a onesided window showed the outside of the hill. "I know you're here. Come on out." however when there was no response he sighed and closed his eyes then yelled, "MEZEDA!" at this a woman's head suddenly appeared from above him, her red hair nearly touched the ground as she hung upside down from the rafters. "Hello" was the first word thst came from Mezelda's mouth. "Why are you here?" was Percyous' cold response.
Mezelda dropped down from the rafters and did a turn in midair so she landed on her feet then stood and dusted herself off. She wore a dark cloak and pants, she also had a cloth-mask over her mouth and cloth attached to her leggings that served as footware. "Im here to warn you "Brother"." Mezelda said as she plopped down on Percyous' bed. "Im not your brother. You married into the Dragnor family. the only reason they don't throw you out is because your husband won't allow them to do it." "Now now my dear percy, just because I don't seal my soul into my weopon like you people do doesn't mean I can't fight just as well as you." "I'll beleave it when i see it." Percyous said as he leaned over and put his face inches from hers. At this Mezelda turned a light shade of red and looked away, "Kane knows where you are. He will kill you." She finally said as percyous turned and walked to the other side of the room. "Why did you marry him anyway? Other than the power." "If I wanted power i'd have married you fool, remember, you're the heir. Not him." "One, you tried, and two, if he has his way then he will be leading birthright or not." "Uh huh....." Mezelda got up and walked towards the see through wall as she said, "I just came to warn you. He will kill you withought hesitation." "And what if I were to kill him in his sleep?" "Im a light sleeper. I'd kill you before you got close." "Speaking of that, how are Paige and Emma?" "Leave my daughters our of this!" Mezelda turned and glared at him as she said this. "Then tell Kane to leave angel and I out of it." "You know I can't-" "Its been a while since I've visited my little nieces hasn't it? Four months to be exact. I haven't seen them at all now that I think about it..... Maybe I should pay a visit......" "You wouldn't. Even you aren't that heartless." Percyous turned, his pitch black eyes filled with death and destruction, "I told him. I won't kill the madam. I take my job seriously. And if he threatens her...." Mezelda scoffed in disgust, "You're heartless. You know that?" "Yeah, killing does that to ya." He replied. But she was already gone.
Chapter 3-Hunting with Percyous "Why are we here agian?" Aizen asked as he and Percyous hid inside large bushes and watched the flat, grassy field infront of him and Percyous. "Because you ate the last of my Giant meat and I have to make a feast for the princess of the giants!" Percyous half whispered half yelled back at Aizen. "Oh......" "Shhhh, there's one." Percyous quickly whispered as a regular looking boar trotted into veiw. "That doesn't look like a giant." "It needs bait......." Percyous replied as he stroked his chin thoughtfully "But we don't have bait do we?" Aizen looked up at Percyous awaiting an answer, but was instead greeted by a devilish smile and an evil look in Percyous' pitch black eyes. "AAAAH!" a loud THUMP vibrated through the air as Aizen landed facedown in the dirt outside the bush. "Ow ow ow ow......" Aizen said as he picked himself off the ground, stood up and dusted himself off. As he did this the boar suddenly began to grow until it was ten times Aizen's hight and towered above the treeline. The boar and Aizen locked eyes, neither moving and waiting for the other's next move. Then Aizen turned, and began running as fast as his legs could carry him. The boar ripped through the trees as Aizen ran through the forest, suddenly running twice as fast as he normaly would. Yet it wasn't fast enough to keep the huge boar's tusks from nearly ripping off his butt. "Wait.. Why am I running?" Aizen suddenly asked himself then skid to a stop. Aizen suddenly crouched, then sprang into the air and landed on the boar's snout and pulled back his arm. "Night night." his said to the boar as he threw a single punch between the boar's eyes. It crushed the boar's skull and killed him instantly.
"So you're alive." Percyous said as he leaned agianst a tree trunk with a disgusted look on his face and raised a metal flask to his lips. "Why are you saying that like you're disapointed!?!?!?!?!?!?!?" Aizen stood and yelled angrily. "Not my fault you almost got killed." Percyous responded cooly as he turned his head and looked away, "Not your fault!?!?!?!? You're the one who kicked me out the bush, used me as bait and left me for dead!!!!!" Percyous then closed the flask, tucked it away and replied "Well you're alive aren't you?" "Dont give me that crap you basterd! You were trying to kill me weren't you!?!?!?!?!?!?!" at Aizen's accusation Percyous looked away and muttered "No." "Oh, ok." Aizen went back to his normal self and looked around then asked "So do we head back now?" "No you idiot! There's a whole procession of giants coming and expecting a feast! This isn't even a snack for them!" Percyous smacked Aizen in the back of his head as he said this. "Oh..... Well how are we going to get more?" "You'll see....." "Ow ow ow ow....." Aizen sat motionless in the large stone celler that served as the meeting room for his clan. "What happened to you?" Angel looked up momentarily as she sat in a wooden chair that had fur lining it inorder to make it more comftorable for the person sitting in it. Her legs resting on a stool and her harp in her lap with her cheek resting on it's cool wooden surface and her fingers dancing over the strings. "I went hunting with Percyous......" Aizen replied painfully from the spot Percyous had given him in the coldest, darkest corner of the room on a shaggy carpet. "Oh? And what did you hunt?" "Bears.... Boars...... Cows...... Rabbits.... Birds...... Snakes..... And so much more......" "Sounds pretty easy." "They were all giants...... I was the bait." "Oh...." Angel let out a sympothetic sigh as she continued to play softly to herself. "I thought at first that Percyous doesn't like me and was trying to get me killed.... But then he gave me a porkchop. No one bad could ever do that." Angel turned and was about to say something when the wall suddenly split apart to reveal Percyous carrying a small tray. "Hey Percyous.... Did you remember my-" Angel stoped in mid sentence when she noticed the glassy look in his eyes... "Percy?" His lips parted monentarily as blood began to seep plop to the floor. "Run" That was when percyous fell facefirst, a knife buried between his shoulder blades.