
Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *AngelSweets (01), Oct 14, 2012.

  1. Hey you guys! I want to do a collaboration with someone. I know my stories aren't the best and I don't finish them (), but I really want to collab with someone! So if anyone's up for the job, then post under this. 
  2. I'd like too but my stories aren't that good.(Think there's one called fire starter i started. Its around the second page I think.)
  3. Haha we are the same. I always make stories but don't finish them. So, I want to make a story that I can finally finish and have people tell me I am a good writer.
  4. As a fellow writer, I advise you do it with Hiyouroll. Because gradually you both will grow.
  5. That's fine with me. HiUroll we can do one together.
  6. Sure, ill do it with you. Sorry, I'm hiUroll haha
  7. I would but I'm too busy
  8. I'll collab with you if you want
  9. I can collab with someone
  10. I would  but I've only wrote one story... Or I should say post, I never finished it. It's on page 19 I think, it's called the boy who killed my family. I've been meaning to update it but I never did.
  11. I thought of something else! So when I wrote it my paragraphs didn't show up and I have no idea why, so don't think I don't know how to indent
  12. Hey you guys! Sadly my partner has gotten silence. So I was wondering if anyone else wanted to one with me!