Do you have any tips or wisdom from your own experiences in life that may help anyone here? My tips. Never live with a hairy guy, it sucks cleaning up the bathroom. Never call your mom the b-word to her face or period. Don't lie because it will catch up with you if you aren't good at lying. Don't get married if you only been in a relationship with the person for under 3 years. (trust me happened to some of my uncles and aunts and they got divorces about 3 years later because they only knew the person for 8 months. Never attack animals. Respect the elderly. Try to avoid being or having the middle child. I hear that stuff sucks. Don't try to date someone's identical twin brother or sister.
*dont post all of your private things on social networks, there's a reason relationships are supposed to private. If you don't want people getting involved then don't give them the opportunity - simple!
Also most of the time go with your gut feeling. You can rethink it, but there are times when I rethought my gut feeling because of what someone else said and I regretted it.
You can avoid being the middle child by telling your parents that they shouldn't have another kid. It's worked for me But if you already are the middle child, it's too late.
My sister is younger than me, and she is like a princess to my mom, she's bugs the shit out of me, and I tell her to stop and she goes and tells my parents I hit her :/