young mothers

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by *KymberlieAnne92510 (01), Oct 11, 2012.

  1. Parenthood is hard at a young age.
  2. That's what she said
  3. Everyone thinks this probably
  4. Well that was a well thought out and nicely written speech.

  5. Wow. Aha! Who raised you that way?
  6.  ... What?! Really?!
  7. Look, I didn't create this for people to be disrespectful.
  8. Well it's their fault so why do I care?
  9. Its whose fault for what?
  10. uhm okay??

    ~ Emily
  11. Again.....I wasted my valuable time that I'll never get back, clicking on this stupid thread. Thank you OP, you are a true genius.
  12. Its not always someones fault that they got pregnant. Mkay.
  13.  so random  another useless thread 
  14. If you find it useless and don't read it. Ain't nobody asked you to click on it.
  15. Everyone really needs to grow up and get a life.