Zoe Kimball

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by *Livkat28 (01), Aug 24, 2011.

  1. Zoe Kimball was a site model that is really pretty. She loved to take pictures and post them everywhere! Some of them she wore less clothes…. Well some guys really REALLY liked her. They got together and made a plan. They were going to get to know her. Lead her on. Take her back to a just bought manshion and throw her in the mud to get her a dirty to take a shower.in the shower there were millions of small camaras that looked like dots. When she got out of the shower they put photos everywhere to "get her in the mood". When she walked out thr bathroom door they were all standing there naked. One of then told her the rules.
    •you must obey us at all times
    •you r naked 100% at all times

    and a few to inaprotraite to post on pimd.

    but this never happened to Zoe thankfully. She had so mamy stalkers calling her home and cell that they had to turn all electronics off. I feel ao bad for zoe cause she cant go anywhere any more without her parents or someone else.

    What do u think of this sad story?

    I am one of her fans. I ZOE KIMBALL

    [​IMG] Zoe Kimball
  2. Stay Off Pervs!
  3. She has lukemia
  4. ikr?! shes really pretty too
  5. she's gorgeous:
  6. i know! its sad cause shes nice too
  7. Why even post this?  It has like totally no purpose,ah mah gawd.
  8. Umm sad story  but what purpose does this have?
  9.  you do know this isn't a recent thread,right? I don't think anyone is gonna respond  ever...
  10. Darn you for bumping 
  11. Darn you for....  For something
  12. It's a bump, guys
  13. ._.

    Is she still alive...?
  14. Lol. Reminds me of Katie Skadoskie.
  15. Did she say all this didn't happen?