Leaving Pimd

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by YourSecretLover, Oct 10, 2012.

  1. Its ok red i understand 
  2. 
    NO ur 1 of my besties
    U are loved here by many
  3. Im gona tell my Nora on u and she gona spank u
  4. Ignored Again
  5. In my experience when someone says I'll get back once in a while it means for a day or two then they are back 
  6. Sudothank you  but nora
  7. lol jasoni've been gone for a month already
  8. omg guys your making this hard for me i shouldn't have done this forum
  9. That's the idea 
  10. jason thats not helping 
  11. You better not leave Mimi  who's gonna be Eggy's best man when we get married?!? 
  12. Muffin you know how i feel about sushi's best man issue don't use that against me
  13. Mimi dont leave
  14. 
    She dont love us anymors
  15. Mimi  who going to be my best woo-man when I get married 
  16. Yeah... What eggy said  don't leave him all alone at the alter.. 
  17. Sudo you i love you guys and i'll think about it and thxs abe
  18. Nooo don't leave.
  19. thank you touchdown do i know you  your.name sounds familar
  20. I think a couple wars maybe. 