Which one was the best concert you ever webt?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by *SoFoda (01), Oct 9, 2012.

  1. Mine was SOJA's here in Florianópolis, Brazil, last saturday.
  2. What? 
  3. nice spelling, dude
  4. if you see in the keyboard n and b are close, english is my second language but i'm not stupid
  5. Last concert I went to was miley Cyrus. Sad to say she was pretty good. That's what happens when you have kids 
  6. Miley Cyrus is a great singer.
    So is Lady Gaga.
    So is Brittney Spears
  7. best concert? Lady Gaga's Born This Way Ball. 
  8. I wanna see them both 

    I'm a teenage girl trapped in a wrinklies skin 
  9. Miley's concert was pretty good.

    But the best concerts I've been to were the Spice Girls and Backstreet Boys.
  10. Amanda you must be my age lol
  11. Maaaaaybeeeee, Casper. I don't have children, though. [:
  12. I haven't been to any concert in my life, shame on me. But I watched a video of a full 90 minute Eminem concert, pretty bad ass 
  13.  Asking Alexandria in the Vans Warped Tour~~ 