to answer your questions

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -SBO-UniCornyMonster, Oct 8, 2012.

  1. Skyr
  2. And their favorite color is red 
  3. Cindy
    So can I visit?I want McDonalds
  4. anytime

    Yes, I do know your cousin John in alberta.
  5. Lol Unlimited maple syrup
  6. Bacon?

     love this lol
  7. You have a McLingLing's?!?!
  8. McDonald's is more expensive here. I work cash, whenever I have an American tourist, they complain.
  9. Thanks for Degrassi 
  10. Farm accountsRe: to answer your questions

    Anybody know any inactive farm accounts
  11. Seems legit.
  12. You gave us Nickelback and Justin Bieber. But I forgive you, because you also gave us Wolverine, Deadpool, maple syrup, and apparently the best women